Funky Flower in Amethyst Genuine

Funky Flower in Amethyst Genuine Watercolor 8x10 140lb Arches Cold Press

Funky Flower in Amethyst Genuine Watercolor 8×10 140lb Arches Cold Press

A Funky Flower in Amethyst Genuine.

Just some late night splashing that resulted in this beautiful surprise in the morning.

This Daniel Smith Amethyst Genuine is a gorgeous color with a bit of sparkle in the sunlight.  The photo makes it appear more blue than it really is, but I like it nonetheless.

Trying to at least do a watercolor painting to share every other day for #WorldWatercolorMonth!

A little diversion from my animal rhyme series, but more to come – watch for an otterly awesome otter named Potter in the next few days!

Cheers & Hugs,


35 thoughts on “Funky Flower in Amethyst Genuine

  1. Happy Sunday to you! While my little Benjamin is all about your animals, I love your watercolor flowers too. Amethyst Genuine even sounds spectacular and is beautiful on this bloom. World Watercolor Month seems a splendid challenge for you to soar to new heights in your painting. You are well up to it! Thank-you for sharing this lovely painting.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jodi. This is awesome. So much depth. You are a true artist. Ps. Would love to buy if you want to part with. Let me know. Rhonda Zellhart. Hugs Love and Kisses.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awh! Thanks so much rhonda! I will likely add to our Etsy shop so will let you know. Currently out of town for a few days. Thank you for your sweet compliment and support!☺️


    • oh if you could see it in real life – it is quite amazing – actually sparkles in the light – just a tinch – not enough to be obnoxious – just a pleasant surprise 🙂


  3. Wow beautuiful, may have to consider that color. I have Carbazole Dioxazine Viote, it goes to black and looses the vibrancy, and hates all my orange paint colors. I love the way you did this, very pretty

    Liked by 1 person

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