Red Rock Mountains of Sedona

Last week, Hubby and I had the great privilege of traveling approximately 2,000 miles across the U.S. to visit a beautiful area of our country far different from the area we live in – the desert Southwest of Scottsdale and Sedona, Arizona.

A highlight of our trip was sightseeing the beautiful Red Rock Mountains of Sedona.  I took quite a few pics, but haven’t had much time to look at yet since we’ve just returned.  Here is one I really like, but even it doesn’t compare to the enormity, the vastness, and the beauty of experiencing this beautiful corner of the world in person.

The rocks in Sedona are a deep, rich, orange-red like no others around.  Apparently, they are comprised of sediment layers deposited over many millions of years*. The shale foundation is the remainder of ancient swamp lands. Other layers are the remainder of an ancient beachfront, known as the “Schnebly Hill Formation,” that deposited iron about 275 million years ago. The Coconino sandstone layer was formed at a time when Sahara-like dunes covered the majority of the Western US.  The Kaibab limestone layer was deposited when a warm shallow sea covered the area about 250 million years ago.

The Red Rocks we see today were formed several million years ago when the uplifting of the Colorado Plateau that created the Grand Canyon also caused water to carve out Sedona’s red rock, cake-like layers. Currently, Sedona is considered to be a part of the Colorado Plateau and is in the process of making mountains, raising an average of one inch every 60-80 years!

The temperatures during our one-week visit ranged between a  low of 102 to a high of 117 degrees Fahrenheit!  Whoooowheee it was hot!  It was a different kind of hot than we are used to in the Eastern part of the U.S., however, as the humidity levels were only around 10% as compared to our typical 50-100%, so it was much more pleasant.  (Especially when in the pool with a frozen margarita!)

This is a place in the U.S. that anyone who can, should experience!

Thanks for the memories Sedona!
I look forward to creating some paintings from your beautiful inspiration!

Cheers & Hugs,

P.S. Thanks Jayme and Ryan for being our gracious tour guides!  ❤


56 thoughts on “Red Rock Mountains of Sedona

  1. Wow so amazing! I love your posts! I always learn something from your blog posts! Watercolor tips, a new pigment to try that I see in your paintings (I love when you list the colors you use in your paintings, Can you list the brushes you use too please? ) Cool History facts, awesome quotes, & poems, etc! Love your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a lovely comment Tami! I’m glad you enjoy that. I will try to remember to continue to include colors, which I have been remiss on lately – and will let you know the brushes I use. I have a very few limited, but very good high quality brushes I like to use. I may do a post on that some day. Although I am hardly an expert! 🙂


  2. Sedona is one of my favorite places. Nothing compares to the views and the rock formations. And the hiking is just the right degree of challenge. Can’t wait to see your paintings of this magical corner of the world, Jodi!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have not been in Arizona since I was a child. My Father never wanted to travel out of the U.S.A. because he felt there was so much to be seen right here. So, our vacations were spent in a different state each year, after he carefully researched the where’s and why’s. We never knew where we were going on our road trips, and it became part of the adventure as to where were we headed. Ah, Jodi – you always prompt such fond memories for me!! Beautiful photo and wonderful history of the area too. I can not wait to see your paintings. Thank-you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awh! Thanks Ellen! I smile just thinking about her! We had a wonderful day today! We visited her great grandparents – my dad and mom II. It was so sweet! ❤


  4. Thanks for reminding me why I want to visit there some day. (Although probably not in the summer.) My husband isn’t as enthused, but I really think he would enjoy it once we got there…plus we could head up to the Grand Canyon on the same trip, and he does want to see that!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow! So happy you had a change of scenery with friends in the blogging world as guides, Jodi and hubby! Red rocks of Sedona are calling my name. Lol 😀
    Beautiful photograph!! Thank you for sharing this.
    I have only flown to Arizona and driven up to see the Eastern side of the Grand Canyon. It was amazing in the winter, colors just popping with wet, melting snow. So many years ago, only a few photos. . . Must get back but this year, it is a plane trio to Mississippi to see my first and dear college friend, Patrice. We have seen each other in her hometown in Cleveland while she comes up to visit a man named, Joe, as well in the charming magical town of Charlevoix, Michigan. Her sister and BIL own a castle and business called Castle Farms. Lake Charlevoix is such a pretty place. Perfect escape, too. 🏖 🏰 🌅

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