The Magic of Moonlight

Full Moon over Scottsdale, Arizona - July, 2017

Full Moon over Scottsdale, Arizona – July, 2017

The Magic of Moonlight.

The full moon’s smoldering glow
illuminates the evening desert sky

Peeking and hiding amidst billowy clouds
in shades of creamy coral and milky opal.

Palm trees elegantly pirouette
with delicate fronds fluttering fluidly

While the wind whispers a soft lullaby
in hushed tones of serene tranquility.

Good night sweet summer day…
sleep peacefully in contented slumber.

Cheers & Hugs,

27 thoughts on “The Magic of Moonlight

  1. This photo captures the majesty of moonlight!! It is breathtakingly beautiful and must have been a magical moment. Your poem is a lovely accompaniment and describes it perfectly. Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

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