Always be Yourself… Unless you can be a Flamingo

Flamingo Pond at the National Aviary, Pittsburgh, PA

Flamingo Pond at the National Aviary, Pittsburgh, PA

Advice from a Flamingo.

Wade into life.
Stand tall.
Stand out in a crowd.

Hang out with your flock.
Find the right balance.
Keep your beak clean.

Show off your true colors.
Even the pinkest of flamingos starts out gray.
Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet.

Always be yourself!
Unless you can be a flamingo….
then be a flamingo!

Cheers & Hugs,

*Inspired by YourTrueNature



41 thoughts on “Always be Yourself… Unless you can be a Flamingo

  1. Leo Buscaglia told a story of a conversation with a man who clearly slept in a park and was very happy about it!. After a brief introduction, he asked the man why, given his situation, he was so happy with his life… and would he care to share it so that he (Leo) could pass it on to others. The man readily agreed.

    ‘If you want to live happy all of your life, always keep your mind full, and your bowels empty. The problem with so many people is that they get it the wrong way around!”


    • Great advice Jodi. I might actually need to hang around with the Flamingo’s soon especially if my Recreational Vehicle in Tampa, Florida gets wipes out by Irma. Never thought the hurricane was go to shift to the west when I left to go to my brother’s house in Orlando. I wish I thought to bring more of my stuff here and to have taken photos of my belongings. Time will tell.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha! I’m going to share this with daughter number three. She is very tall and leggy. At age 9 I remember going to watch her play netball for her school (netball is a girls sport a little like basketball but with 7 players, very choreographed movements and no bouncing of the ball) … it was bitterly cold and one of the other mum’s asked which child was mine. The one that looks like a flamingo in hot pants I replied. She did. The team issue shorts were tiny on her tall frame and her legs were bright pink in the cold. Standing on one leg she was a Flaming Joe and always will be to me. I love this!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Always be Yourself–unless You Can Be a Flamingo! | By the Mighty Mumford

  4. I love this one. Really nice. It’s funny, a friend of mine draw some Flamingo in the background of one of my pic. Very artistic. It’s lovely and funny because I was wearing a pink dress on the photo. I post it recently on my blog.Your title would have been appropriate for this picture. I’m happy that I have discovered your blog. Let’s keep in touch.

    Liked by 1 person

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