On this Road called Life

Early November Morning Walk after the Storm - thecreativelifeinbetween.com

Early November Morning Walk after the Storm – thecreativelifeinbetween.com

On this Road called Life.

There will be ups and downs…
There will be twists and turns.

There will be sunshine and rain…
There will be seasons of change.

But straight roads
don’t make skillful drivers.

And flowers can’t grow
on smoothly paved roads.

This road called life
is your path to choose.

And if you don’t like the one you are traveling on….
pave a new.

Cheers & Hugs,


We had an unseasonably strong thunderstorm this past Saturday night, but Sunday morning brought shiny, clean beauty on my morning walk with Charlie that was made even sweeter by the extra hour of sleep gifted from “Falling Back” from Daylight Savings to Eastern Standard Time and the gorgeous colors of Autumn leaves.

62 thoughts on “On this Road called Life

  1. JODI…This is so sweet! It reminds me of a poem I found in a Magazine years ago when I was a teenager. It goes like this…


    In traveling along life’s road
    Each has his share of pain
    His ups and downs, downs and ups
    Some sunshine and som rain

    We may be the best of pals
    Each mile life’s journey through
    Or perchance just strangers
    Men that each other never knew

    But if fate should rule it so
    That we journey side by side
    Let’s be more pleasant TRAVELERS
    For life is so short a ride.

    Take care…Lois

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Jodi, you just never cease to amaze me! YOU have more talent in your little finger than most of us (me) possess in our whole bodies and that is not flattery, but truth. You have one of the most creative minds that floods into your heart and hands to produce the beauty that you so generously share. For this alone, Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi Jodi! Love how your words always seem to flow and make me think… thank you for sharing your gift of words and photos. I always enjoy them. ❤️💙💚
    PS I ordered that book you recommended. I hope to get it this week! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful picture and poem. I like the last words of it, “And if you don’t like the one you are traveling on…. pave a new.” Sometimes it´s good to wait for an upturn, but sometimes one has to get active and do something. Sometimes we tend to forget that… Have a wonderful day! 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wise words, Jodi! And I liked the photo, too. We do travel an unpredictable road in our life, but it is still fun to see what comes around the next bend. And I like the way you remind us that we have the ability to pave over the rough spots….

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: On this Road called Life — the creative life in between – Suman Freelancer

  7. Pingback: On this Road called Life – SEO

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