Hearty Beef Barley Stoup & Homemade Beef Broth

Hearty Beef Barley Stoup and Homemade Beef Broth.

Stoup…  Yep…  That is not a typo.

This “soup” recipe is so hearty, you might almost consider it a stew, so my clever blogging friend Kathryn at Another Foodie Blogger, aptly named this recipe Stoup.

I was dying to try this recipe, as I am a huge fan of soups, and a huge fan of barley.  (Grandma used to make a Beef Barley Soup, and I haven’t had it in years!)

Hubby is not much of a soup lover, but when I read Kathryn’s recipe and saw how hearty it was, I thought I might be able to get away with this one.

And did I ever!  Hubby actually ate it with a fork and happily ate leftovers the following night.

This is one of the best new recipes I have tried in a long time!  If all of Kathryn’s recipes are this amazing, I will be excited to try more.

This stoup literally tantalizes your taste buds with it’s bounty of complex textures and flavors, and I think what really took it over the top was the fact that I made homemade beef broth  for it (not canned beef broth or water and bouillon cubes).  I made the broth from scratch with beef bones ROASTED in the oven first with vegetables and then simmered for hours until it became a rich, dark brown pot of goodness.  I found the recipe at Taste of Home and will share below.

This recipe is not hard, but it takes time.  It is great for the type of weather we are experiencing in our part of the world right now… very cold and snowy.  It’s a recipe for when you have time to roast and simmer all day while you are home.  A recipe for when you are in the mood for chopping and dicing and then just totally curling up under a blanket by a fire with a crusty piece of bread to dunk in it and sop it up with.

I tweaked up Kathryn’s recipe just a bit.  She added mushrooms.  For those that like, please do add.  Mushrooms are one thing I just can’t eat.  Hubby on the other hand would have loved, but I just can’t put them in my mouth.  I added a bit more beef and veggies to make it even thicker.  And Barley is such a wonderful healthy grain.

I do hope you try this when you have time, and I hope you will visit Kathryn’s blog (or her Austin Street Taco Food Truck if you are anywhere near Bend, Oregon in the summertime) to check out some of her recipes.  She has become a great blogging friend.

Beef and Barley Stoup


1 1/2 lb. high-quality beef roast, cut into 1 inch pieces
Salt and pepper, for seasoning meat
Flour, for dusting meat
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup chopped sweet onion
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped celery
1 tablespoon tomato paste
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup dry red wine
1 14.5-ounce can diced or stewed tomatoes
4 cups homemade beef broth (recipe follows)
1 bay leaf
3 small sprigs thyme (or 1/2 teaspoon dried)
1/2 cup uncooked pearl barley
Salt and pepper, to taste


Season cubed meat with salt and pepper, then toss with some flour to dust it. In a large soup pot or dutch oven, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add beef to pot, and sear cubes on all sides until browned. Remove to a bowl and set aside.

Add onion, carrots, and celery to pot that you seared meat in, and cook 8-10 minutes to allow veggies to wilt and brown slightly. Add garlic and tomato paste in the last minute of cooking.

Pour in the red wine, and deglaze the pot by scraping up the browned bits. Add tomatoes, beef broth, bay leaf and thyme. Stir well to combine. Add the meat, including any accumulated juices in the bowl.

Bring to a boil, then stir in the barley. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 45-60 minutes or until the barley is cooked. Remove bay leaf and thyme sprigs and taste for additional salt and pepper.


Best-Ever Homemade Beef Broth

  • Servings: approx 10 cups
  • Print


4 lbs meaty beef bones (beef shanks or short ribs)
3-4 large carrots, cut into chunks
3-4 ribs of celery with green leafy tops, cut into chunks
2 large onions, quartered
1/2 cup warm water
3 bay leaves
3-4 large garlic cloves
1 tsp coarse black pepper or peppercorns
3-4 sprigs fresh parsley or 1 Tbsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried oregano
1 beef bouillon cube
1 tsp salt
12 cups cold water


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.  In a large dutch oven, roast soup bones, uncovered, for 30 minutes.  Add carrots, celery, and onions, and roast an additional 30 minutes.

Remove from oven, and add warm water, stirring to loosen browned bits.  Add remaining ingredients.  Bring to a boil, and slowly boil for 30 minutes.  Reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered 4-5 hours.  Skim any foam that forms.

Remove bones (and send for Charlie!).  Strain broth through a colander, discarding solids.  If time allows, refrigerate to allow removing fat that forms on top.  Otherwise skim as best possible from top.

Broth can be refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for 4-6 months.

If you want a super easy, homemade crusty rustic bread to go with it, try this recipe.

Stay warm, and enjoy this hearty and healthy meal.

Cheers & Hugs,


42 thoughts on “Hearty Beef Barley Stoup & Homemade Beef Broth

  1. Wow Jodi, your praise makes me blush indeed! You are so kind, and I am SO glad your family enjoyed the “stoup.” And it’s fabulous that you made the beef broth from scratch! I made about 12 quarts of turkey stock from my frozen Thanksgiving turkey carcass yesterday, and today I am going to make about the same amount of beef stock. We were down to one 4-quart bag of each in the freezer, which is cutting it close in this soup-loving household! You are such a sweetheart, and an amazing blogging friend. XOXO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this word “Stoup”! I always require a thick broth, “so the cat could lay on it” as my Gram used to say. Nothing thin and watery for me, a bisque or thick chowder is perfect. I’m in awe of your homemade beef broth, can not promise to be so adventurous. I’m more an in&out sort of cook. Although, you may have tempted me to accept this as a challenge (in a new year- new things way). We have always loved barley, but it is on the gluten-free forbidden list. I’m wondering if quinoa might be a good substitute, any thoughts? Mushrooms, no way!! Thank-you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think quinoa is so worth a try for this. Would love to hear if it is good. I love barley so much or I might be willing to try. I do very much like quinoa too!


  3. I would probably love this stoup! Sometimes I make my stew soupy, and sometimes I make my soup really thick like stew. I love this new word!

    I’m printing this recipe. I’m making chicken noodle soup this week-end, but this might be next.

    He-Man can’t do mushrooms anymore. I love them, but won’t add them to recipes anymore since he became intolerant to them. I don’t how it happened but it did. Like you he can’t have them in his mouth.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This looks like the perfect meal on a winter’s day! I have been wanting to make my own beef bone broth as they say it is so much healthier for you. Thanks for 2 recipes today! And I love the word, stoup! ❤️

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