Scout on a Scooter

Scout on a Scooter Original 8×10 Watercolor

Scout on a Scooter.

I was recently commissioned through an inquiry on our McKinneyX2Designs Etsy shop to paint a photo of a cute little puppy named, “Scout” on his “Mom’s” bright red scooter.

Here is the photo I was provided:

How cute is little Scout with his goggles ready to ride?!  I can just picture the wind blowing through his curly locks.

What an honor it was to create this, and so glad Scout’s Mom was happy with it.

May we all find joy in life’s simple pleasures!

Cheers & Hugs,

53 thoughts on “Scout on a Scooter

  1. Jodi, Your artistic ability amazes me. Looking at the photo and then your painting, you captured everything with such detail and perfection. Scout (the dog) looks so perfect. I don’t know if I have ever seen you do a human portrait as of yet….but since you captured this little dog so well….might be just one more area of painting that you might want to try since I know you are always experimenting with new art techniques and seem to master them rather quickly.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The Toddler Art Critic : “WOW, a red bike and a doggie too!” After I enlarged the photo and then enlarged the painting : “I love My Jodi’s the bestest!” While Benjamin’s critique may be slightly influenced by his love of all things Jodi…he is a loyal fan! We both agree that this is an amazing rendition of the photo. Very well done indeed! Thank-you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this so much!! ❤️❤️❤️ You are an AMAZING artist, Jodi! It is such a JOY to see you grow as an artist. I am impressed with your details, you even did the name of the scooter. Such a sweet painting of Scout too. 😍

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow impressive job Jodi. You should be Proud. You nailed both the bike and the dog. Your clients must love it! I’m guessing you wrote with masking fluid to preserve the logo, but it’s Amazing your writing is even perfect. Excellent job on shading & shadows, highlights. Very complex & complicated so proud of you for not doubting yourself and for the absolutely gorgeous painting you created. Your artistry has passed that crafter stage, you are a real Artist. Continue to be brave, you have much greatness in you Jodi.

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    • You are so sweet! Thank you! I can’t believe I got it on the first try lol. And I did mask off a space and when ready to do reverse wrote out the outline of the words and painted around. It’s not perfect but did the trick I think. It was really fun to do. ☺️


  5. Well I think it is amazing, your reds are perfect, and you totally captured scout, I didn’t mention it before, but we seem to have a timing connection crossing paths so to speak. Llast week we bought a red scooter for the camp (old & not the same model ) but bright shiny red & similar shape. I showed your painting to my spouse and said ” doesn’t that look like a newer version of the scooter you just bought? Big grin, I was instructed to go paint ours & send it to you. All I could say was, like I could paint a scooter? Don’t think that is going to happen! But was flaberghasted your painting showed up in the mail. We haven’t even transfered title yet, our DMV was down Monday. But just another coincidence again!

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