A New Beginning

Rainbow over Mars – May, 2018

A New Beginning.

After the rain
comes a rainbow.

After the storm
comes the calm.

After the dark clouds
comes the bright sunshine.

After the ending
comes a new beginning.

It is never, ever, ever too late
for a new beginning.

Cheers & Hugs,


53 thoughts on “A New Beginning

  1. It is never, ever, ever too late for a new beginning…as long as we draw a breath of life. Your beautiful photo and uplifting words hold great promise for the living. However, I cannot help but think of the victims in Santa Fe, Texas. Their promise is extinguished, their rainbows have disappeared. If there exists a positive in this tragedy, it eludes me and only hope for the future remains. Thank-you.

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    • Oh Dear Ellen – Your comment surely causes me pause to think….. May this tragedy provide us a new beginning – an opportunity to make change for good. May the parents of this horrific tragedy one day come to know the gift they were given in having their child for the time they did on this earth – and the hope that there is something beyond this life….. May they become empowered after their grief…. May we be empowered with our empathy… May we offer love and hope…. May good overcome evil…. May there always be a chance for a new beginning…..

      I can’t even begin to imagine these parents’ grief. I hate that our world has become one that is gradually being desensitized to school shootings and our children are growing up in a world where it is “common!” My heart aches so heaving for those parents, those families, all of our children dealing with this. We can only choose to focus on creating better – even if only one person at a time doing one thing at a time that we can do.

      Sending loving hugs to you and Benjamin!!! xo

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      • Following some deep reflection on my comment, I regret that I failed to heed my own admonition…pass it through your brain before your mouth (or in this case, my fingers). This was neither the time nor place to air my thoughts and while they have not changed, I am sorry that I pressed “post comment”. Thank-you.

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  2. Jumping up and down here!! Jodi! This is my SECOND confirmation that I am stepping into New Beginnings! How exciting! OH BOY! Glorious image of that rainbow …. just WOW!! Thank you SO much from the bottom of my Heart for this wonderful post! 💖💖💖

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  3. Wise advice Jodi. Thank you for sharing. I was sad to your Penguins get knocked out if the playoffs. We are cheering on Winnipeg, hoping they can pull a win out this next game, or that’s it. But if they are out, we are happy to cheer for Vegas here. For many people here, it’s almost a second home. A short plane ride, and many Edmonton fans attend games there as the tickets are much cheaper lol. I’m not a huge Lightening or Capitals fan; I’d rather have seen either Western team play Crosby and Pitsburg.

    Hope you are doing well, your family, and Charlie too. Also, hope you are finding much time to be creative and paint. You are so talented. Cheers

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  4. You know I love this photo, Jodi! And I also agree that it is never too late for a new beginning. Sometimes it’s even easier to begin anew as we get older, because we are more open to change at this point in our lives. (For example, I logged onto Facebook Saturday and saw a photo of my almost 88 year old mother taking her first motorcycle ride! She’d been to a graduation picnic that day and I guess mentioned the fact she’d never been on a motorcycle. She has now!)

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  5. Beautiful rainbow framing you home, hope your own new beginnings are as beautiful. That photo is so inspiring, wonder if could be captured in watercolor? Beautiful words, beautiful photography, beautiful moment to experience & capture & to record.

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