A Krautfest Rhyme


A Krautfest Rhyme.

Once upon a time
in a neighborhood by a lake,

a group of friends gathered.
There was saurkraut to make.

500 pounds of cabbage
was cleaned and quartered and chopped.

Then young and old, expert and new,
sliced it down – they couldn’t be stopped.

Once sliced it went
to the station to be weighed.

Salt was added.
It’s how you make homemade.

Into crocks and buckets
it went to be pound.

It starts the fermentation
and keeps it safe and sound.

No krautfest could ever
be quite complete

without hugs and laughs and games
and plenty of treats to eat.

There was a tub of apples
waiting for kids to bob.

While others were pressed into juice,
which many found to be a fun job.

After working and eating and drinking
away the day,

evening arrived,
and instruments were brought out to play.

Singing with friends,
(only some truly in tune)

is surely the best way
to end a krautfest afternoon.

Cheers & Hugs,

Thanks so much and mostest
to our amazing hosts and hostesses.

Love you Joyce and Rob and Nikole and Michael
for continuing the annual krautfest cycle!

If you would like to see previous years’ Krautfests, feel free to click HERE and HERE and HERE.  

58 thoughts on “A Krautfest Rhyme

  1. You are the poet laureate of the cabbage kingdom, a title of which there is no equal! The making of sauerkraut was a time honored tradition in southeastern Pennsylvania when I was a child. The Pennsylvania Dutch loved their pork and sauerkraut, it was the traditional New Year’s Day feast…no turkey or ham appeared on that day. Though I was never a part of something as fine as your Krautfest, my Gram had a day of sauerkraut making with family and neighbors when the cabbages were ready for picking. I remember the old wood cabbage cutters and stompers, the layers of cabbage & salt in huge heavy crocks, cheesecloth & plate & heavy rock on top. It took several weeks to ferment and then it was jarred. Gram used to tell us that this was a tradition that bound the past, present and future together. Now, I did not recall a post about a Krautfest last year. So, I checked the 3 previous year posts…2014, 2015, 2016 and no 2017 there. Then, I went to the archives for October 2017 and while it was a lovely visit (especially the 10th)…no Krautfest. I knew that I would have remembered a celebration of the noble cabbage being krauted. I’m also craving a pumpkin snickerdoodle too. Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love your cute poem, you’ve filmed the story, then told the story & filmed, and retold the story & filmed. The only way to go creative was to poem & film the story. But then you added a bonus video for sound. Feel like I was there. Went back to view them all, Loved the food, the activities for kids in both learning the tradition of kraut & apple cider making, but also the old fashion games of pickup sticks & lawn bowling. Your documentation is wonderful, loved seeing the antique (modern) versions of the apple press & the graters. The children will remember the event and tell stories of the music & and the fun & the hard work. Who know Jodie it may be an inspiration for a new childrens book for you. Filled with watercolor moments showing painted pumpkins, kids swinging, and dessert tables & antique machines. Loved that you shared this beautiful event.

    Liked by 1 person

    • hmmmm… that is an interesting though for a children’s book idea! oh dena – you would love this event so much! full of tradition and unity and all ages sharing in the same activity and making something from scratch and just so much! it truly is one of my favorite days of the year!!

      Liked by 1 person

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