A Beautiful Ending

Foggy, Beautiful Ending to the Day – February, 2019 – Mars, PA

A Beautiful Ending.

We may not be able to control or change
ugly things that happened to us –
especially in our childhood.

We can’t choose our beginning.

But we can decide to not be
defined or deflated or diminished by them,
and create our own beautiful life.

We can determine the ending.

Cheers & Hugs,

64 thoughts on “A Beautiful Ending

  1. Your photograph is lovely, I enjoy the fog at times & the stillness and lack of stimulous, that seems so overly constant in daily life. But I love the photo more for what it inspired in you to write this impactful poem. I don’t know how you would incorporate the poem in a card, but there have been times when I could have sent this card to someone dealing with a revelation about their past. Either because they never spoke of it before, or because, new information came to the forefront. But having these words gives people the option or choice to handle it, that had not been clear or evident to them, while they are floundering in the fog of it. Beautiful poem, simply beautiful.

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    • It warms my heart to know it touched you so. Thank you for letting me know, Dena. Little notes like this encourage me to continue believing I might be doing something good for someone somewhere 🙂

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  2. This is so true (and beautiful) Jodi! So many of us had bad beginnings, one way or another, but the real tragedy is how many people can’t move past that. I think the trick it to acknowledge the harm that was done without giving it the power to dictate someone’s whole life, at least in a negative way. Some of the wisest, most compassionate people I know were victims of abuse in their early days, but they used their pain to help them understand other people’s pain, and to help them find the inner strength we all have and need to tap into. I’m not saying this well, (it’s been a long day) but I hope you know what I mean!

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    • You’ve said it so very well and from your heart, Ann! I think of my brother, whose birthday would have been a few days ago. I feel he couldn’t get past some things we were through, and I grieve that. But I rejoice in every day I enjoy and the love I am surrounded by from my family and friends. We all have have “stuff.” We can let it define us or we can define our own destiny 🙂 ❤

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