Babysitting our Grandpuppy

Trevor McKinney Original Watercolor – 8×10 by Jodi McKinney

Babysitting our Grandpuppy.

As most of you know that have been hanging around here for any length of time, I am the fortunate grandma of two beautiful granddaughters to my oldest son and daughter-in-law.  You may not know, however, that I have an adorable grandpuppy to my youngest son and daughter-in-law, and we had the pleasure of having him over for a weekend vacation when his Dad and Mom went away on a little trip recently.

Charlie was such a good uncle to his young nephew, Trevor.

He got a bit annoyed at times with Trevor’s puppy energy and enthusiasm, but he properly warned and then gently taught him when “enough was enough!”

It was so fun having sweet Trevor around.  He never left my side, and I was told he may have missed us as much as we missed him when he went home.  He often comes to visit, however, so we are sure lucky!

I just had to paint a little portrait of his sweet puppy face and eyes for his Dad and Mom.  I cropped and used a bit of artistic license from the photo above I took from his recent stay.

Love you Trevy!

Happy #WorldWatercolorMonth!

Cheers & Hugs,

26 thoughts on “Babysitting our Grandpuppy

    • Charlie is such a sweet and submissive dog – almost to a fault – LOL! – he puts up with anything. He did get a bit annoyed at times, but he put Trevor in his place – as he should – appropriately and gently. It was fun having him!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. You are most certainly a role model for “National Gorgeous Grandma Day”! It is celebrated every July 23rd since its founding in 1984 by Alice Solomon. The former model, beauty queen, newspaper columnist had just graduated from college at the age of 50 and did not want to be labelled as just a senior citizen. She came up with the concept for this day to celebrate all those women of a certain age (50, 60, or 70+) to recognize their accomplishments and their abilities. At one time there was a Gorgeous Grandma website that listed the attributes of who was a Gorgeous Grandma, sadly the site became inactive some years ago. They are : 1) Believes she has her whole life ahead of her, not her whole life behind her. 2) Wants to get the most out of every day of her life. 3) Wants to thrive, not just survive. 4) Cares for her mind and body. 5) Remain adaptable to life’s bittersweet as well as sweet. 6) Cherishes herself as much as she cherishes her loved ones. 7) Refuses to remain static – always open to learning, to new ideas, to new challenges and to new experiences. 8) Loves life and lets everyone know it. Worthy goals indeed, and you have achieved each and every one of them magnificently…as proven by this sweet painting, this fantabulous blog, this creative life that you live and share! Thank-YOU!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh Boy I love this so much!!! Happy National Gorgeous Grandma Day to you! And neckbuster hugs to you and Benjamin – the beautiful boy who gave you your crown! ā¤


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