Let Your Dreams Blossom

Pink Floral Heart Original Watercolor by Jodi McKinney 11×14

Let Your Dreams Blossom!

Sprinkling a little pink love after a weekend of splashing in the art room.
Just what this heart and soul needed for some January nesting time.

Embracing the muse.
Going with the vibe.

Happy Monday friends!  Let’s make some magic this week!  Let’s create some beauty!

Cheers & Hugs,

Original watercolor, as well as prints in all sizes and cards, available at McKinneyX2Designs and Berry Vine Gifts.

37 thoughts on “Let Your Dreams Blossom

  1. Great way to start out the week Jodi. Nice cheery painting. Sitting in the surgeon’s waiting room this morning awaiting where we go next on my nose healing issues. It”s been over 10 months now and still in band aides! The stitches to close the gap don’t seem to hold, now he’s trying stem cells. Don’t see significant improvements….the gap fown my nose seems to have gotten worse. think I’m goong to deal with a screwed up nose the test of my life . Oh welk, .guess it could be worse

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Blogger recognition award – Exploring Colour

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