I went to the Gym yesterday…

See me?


Yep – that’s about all you are going to see for a while of me at the gym….  Oh dear – it is NOT a pretty sight!

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Maybe when my form looks a bit more like this, by possibly 2020, I’ll share my tips with you!

giphy (2)For now – I was lucky to lift one foot up on this contraption:

snap gym matt and balance ballOops!  Need to flip it over!

IMG_5575Here is an ultra special top-secret sneak peak of my amazing form mid lift (action photo!)….


…all while snapping the photo with my iPhone and listening to Uptown Funk on REPEAT through my headphones – AND keeping my shoes off the wall!  (which are not, God forbid, the shoes I wore to enter the gym from outside, as that is a BIG NO NO! – and there are cameras everywhere!)

Impressive – right?!  Okay – maybe not so much – but last week I couldn’t even balance with two feet on the dang thing.  Believe it or not, it takes some core muscles to do it….  And now Nick (my son and fitness instructor) said, after I proudly texted him the above photo, I need to work on one-legged squats/toe touches on the ball!  SHEESH!

So anyway- did some crunches and then planked (I know – talking like I know what I’m talking about here – right?!).

I even managed TEN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 – count ’em kids!  10!) [ahem] girl push-ups!

But last week I could only do 6!  (Am I PITIFUL or what?!)

Here’s my view from the floor where I was covertly snapping these photos with my iPhone, trying to be discreet to the 3 or 4 other patrons that braved the 1 degree F temperatures today to join me at the gym on their lunch break.


I’ve been trying to get up at 5am and “hit the gym” before I get too busy, but couldn’t do it yesterday, so I went at lunch time. (a great perk on days I work from home)

So hey – I’m not calling this a New Year’s Resolution!  I never stick to New Year’s Resolutions!  Does anyone??!?

And besides, I started going on December 27th – exactly one day after my BFF posted some photos of me on Facebook that made me gasp!

That is almost a full week BEFORE New Year’s Day, so it can’t count as a New Year’s Resolution!

Gotta go for the lifestyle change dealeo – right?!  ….


If you need some motivation to get moving, I just double dare you to not boogie while you listen to this:

Are you wiggling yet?

Well – put it on repeat and get movin’!

Help hold me accountable by asking if I’ve gone to the gym today?  K friends?  I’m thinking if I tell all of you, I’ll stay accountable.  What burden I ask of you – eh?!  🙂


Time for some cardio!  Are you dancing with me Jo Freehand?  How about a song to keep me moving when I burn out on Uptown Funk?

Cheers & Hugs,
