
Impatiens Flowers - June 2017 - Mars, PA

Impatiens Flowers – June 2017 – Mars, PA


It is hard to be patient,
when you are impatiently waiting…

For the sun to rise,
or for the sun to set.

For the next season to begin,
or for the former to end.

For the pot to boil,
or for the bread to rise.

For the punch line of a joke,
or the ending of a sad movie.

To start a new book,
or to reach the ending.

For the child to grow,
or for the child to remain small.

For the love of your life,
or for the ability to love life.

For that amazingly great moment,
or for each one in between.

Cheers and hugs,


Waiting for Paint to Dry

Woodland River Line and Wash Joanne Boom Thomas Watercolor Tutorial by Jodi McKinney First 9 x 12 1115 1

I am TRYING to learn
to wait for paint to dry.

It’s harder than you think!

This is my first 9 x 12 watercolor painting –
my largest to date.

It was done following a line and wash tutorial on ArtTutor by Joanne Boon Thomas.

AND with my very first few tubes of Winsor & Newton Professional Artist watercolor paint. OOOO LA LA!!
I treated myself to four tiny tubes – and was so excited to use Prussian Blue!

I see several things I would have liked to do different,
but it was a good practice in patience…

A practice in background, midground, and foreground…

Who knew it could be so fun…. waiting for paint to dry!!??!

Cheers & Hugs,