Dog Days of Summer: A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie dog days of summer august 2016

Mom told me the other day we are in the “Dog Days of Summer” here in Mars.

It’s pretty darn hot around here, but what does that have to do with dogs?  (I mean…. I know I’m pretty “hot,” sexy, handsome, charming, and all that… but not ALL dogs are are quite as lucky as me – eh?)

So I asked Mom to “google” what the heck dogs have to do with hot summer days, and guess what?!  We discovered a story of astronomical proportions!

Contrary to common conjecture, the “dog days of summer” does NOT get its name because the heat is so extreme it drives dogs mad or because dogs lie around panting in the heat (Sheesh!  Really people?!  How dare you think such disdainful thoughts!)

The actual background of the phrase refers to the one-to-two month period when a particularly bright, shiny, snazzy, jazzy, super-amazing, georgeous, “hot” star named Sirius, the Dog Star, or Alpha Canis Majoris (Latin for “Greater Dog!”), rises and sets with the sun, shining during the daylight hours and staying hidden at night.

So you see, it’s really about us dogs being the STARS in your life.  (Right Mom?)

That’s why I’m smiling in my photo here.
(or……. it might have been because my Mom was holding a treat while asking me to “stay.”)

Either way…….
I like to be thought of as a Star.  So you can call feel free to call me “Great” for short.
Or Char…
Or Chuck…
Or Buddy…

but pleaaaassseee don’t call me late for dinner!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike theUPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.



Blue Ball: A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie blue ball

Woohoo!  It’s Ball Season!

Some of you love baseball.
My family cheers for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

We love football too – if it is the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Right now – our Pittsburgh Penguins are in the Stanley Cup Playoffs,
and though they use a puck instead of a ball, it is still very exciting.

There is also basketball, softball, tennis, golf, volleyball, soccer, wiffle ball, ping pong, bowling, pool, and probably a million other ball games,

but my favorite ball game
(if you don’t count eating meatballs) 

is Blue Ball!

My mom brought out the bucket of blue balls the other day, and boy oh boy did we have fun!

It’s a simple game, but such a BLAST!

Here is how you play it.

Step 1:  Mom throws the ball in the grass.

Step 2:  I run and get it, and then I run back.

Step 3:  Now here is the FUN part….

Sometimes I bring the blue ball back to Mom,
but other times…..  I ZOOOOOOOM right by her and trick her!

Sometimes I bring it to her and drop it….  but (get ready for this!) right when she goes to pick it up,
I grab it first!

And then – (are you ready for this one?)
other times I bring it back – but don’t let go of it, and I make her beg for it.
Sometimes Mom pretends to cry – – –  like I can’t see a fake a mile away!

Other times I let her yank at it for a while and I ferociously (fake of course – but she doesn’t know!) GROWL!

Blue Ball is most fun when you play it by varying up the way you play Step 3 every time.

Isn’t that a great game?!

Hope you have some fun playing whatever kind of ball you like this weekend!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.