Soft Spots

Leopard, Pittsburgh Zoo, October, 2017

Soft Spots.

Things I have a soft spot for….

The words “I love you” – especially from my sons.
Outstretched arms – especially from my granddaughter.
Belly laughs – especially from hubby.

The smell of lilacs and popcorn and cinnamon.
Misty mornings.
The blue sky of Autumn.

Vintage pearls.
Antique library card catalog cabinets.
Sourdough bread.

Random texts.
Handwritten notes.
Doggie greetings every time I return home.

The way my daughter-in-laws look at their husbands.
Hugs from friends.
Smiles from strangers.

Cheers & Hugs,


Jack of Many Trades, Master of None

I wonder what those of you that happen upon my blog must think…..

Do you say – what the heck is this blog about?

One day this Jodi chick is baking and sharing recipes…

smore cookies

S’more Cookies Please!


Homemade Haluski – Peasant Food Fit for a King

Another day stamping and gluing and cutting and sewing and card-marking…

child birthday card punch art birds on wire The paper players

Birthdays are for the Birds!


Friends Make the World a Better Place Mojo Monday

Ain’t it good to know you’ve got a Friend!

I also love to take photos and consider myself an amateur student of photography…

Hummingbird Photo

Hummin’ the Hummingbird Tune!

polar bear pittsburgh zoo & ppg aquarium

Sunday at the Pittsburgh Zoo

and writing and telling stories gives me such joy.

Remembering Grandma - Stella Star

Remembering Grandma – Stella Star

I thrive on encouraging people – it’s in my DNA (or at least my DISC profile – LOL!)….

Remembering moments

Remembering Moments

Always be the last to let go of a hug


and if I just could find the time to make 1/1,000,000th of the DIY ideas I’ve pinned on my Pinterest boards for decorating or gift-giving…

Wedding Survival Kit

Wedding Survival Kit

I adore spending time with my family and friends…


The Day We Almost Caught a Fish

Girlfriend Camp GFC2014 Mars, PA spaceship

Girlfriend Camp

I tinker with gardening…

gardening, tomatoes

The Great Tomato Caper

and I truly seek to discover and learn new things always – it keeps me (ahem) young and alive…

Alpacas  Four Points Alpacas

A Visit to Four Points Alpacas

I enjoy doing so many things (and am so fortunate to work a full-time job I love too!) that I just wish there were more hours in the day…

or at least wish that I was one of those people that only needed 3-4 hours of sleep a day (tried it for a while – didn’t work out – dangit!)

I sure am a jack of many hobbies and master of none.

But it is fun to be that way – eh?!?

And I love sharing the journey with you – my  supportive friends that have encouraged and continue to encourage me to write my blog – and those that have become new friends along this journey.

Global Mudder Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder

It is so exciting to see new friends subscribe, and comment, and “like” daily.

So on this Labor Day Holiday – I just thought I would share some of these faves from the 100+ posts I’ve shared so far from this labor of love blog I call

It was really hard to pick favorites, as I have LOVED writing and sharing every single one of them.

What is your favorite thing I write about?

I’d love to hear from you.

Happy Labor Day!  Make every thing you labor over a labor of love!

Cheers & Hugs,


Sunday at the (Pittsburgh) ZOO!


I’ve been hinting… maybe begging… alright – PLEADING with Marty for months now to go to the Zoo.

leopardIt’s been FOREVER since we’ve gone.  Probably 15 years or so since going on field trips to the zoo when the boys were young.

tiger 2So you can only imagine my surprise and excitement

tiger yawnwhen Marty woke up Sunday morning, and I asked him what he was thinking about for the day…

tigerand he said, “Well – You’ve been wanting to go to the zoo….”

monkey 2

Ya – ahem – I’ve mentioned it maybe a few… (hundred) times….

elephantSo guess where we went?!


You got it!  Woohoo!  The ZOO!!

red pandaIt was cool to see the new Red Panda (which looks more like a raccoon) – eh?

galapagos turtleand the giant Galapagos tortoises (that moved way faster than I would have expected!)

komodo dragonThere are even DRAGONS at the Zoo!  Komodo that is.

sharkThe sharks were EERY!

marty sharks

And Marty was enthralled.

But the very BEST of all was the Polar Bear!

polar bearThis 1,700 pound ball of fluffy white fur was worth the price of admission.  He danced for us (I’m hoping that’s what it was – either that or he was completed disturbed!)

polar bear 4and – oh – to walk under the tunnel and watch him swim……

polar bear 2and play – was absolutely magical!

flamingosNot sure what these Pink Flamingos were up to, but they got awful rowdy!

penguinsThe penguins were so comical.  I think they thought it was “5 O’clock Somewhere” the way they teetered around on those rocks near the water’s edge.

ostrichWhat a great day!

Though it did make me realize I desperately need a telephoto zoom lens for my camera (and a class or some lessons to boot!).

Sounds like an excuse to go back to the zoo – sometime in the next 15 years or so.

Cheers and Hugs,
