Pam the Lamb

Pam the Lamb
was happy as a clam.

She liked her muffins
with butter and jam.

One day after breakfast
she was playing with Sam,

when the postman arrived
with an urgent telegram.

Pam opened it quickly and found inside
a beautiful and colorful diagram.

There was also a note in handwriting she knew –
it was from her dear and loving ole Gram.

It was instructions it seemed – a recipe indeed –
for cloverleaf muffins with butter and jam.

Oh how Pam delighted for she knew who was coming,
she better get baking for Pap Pap and Gram.

Cheers & Hugs,

This is one of a series of fun animal watercolor paintings and rhymes I am pursuing.
See the others:
A Rare Hare with Flare
A Duck Named Chuck
A Fawn at Dawn
Rooty the Rooster
A Precocious Pink Pig  
Hal the Colorful Cow
A Mouse named Klaus
