A Happy Birthday Money Cake!

money birthday cake Jake 27

Monday is my son, Jake’s 27th birthday.

First of all – how did that happen?  Where did the time go?!  I feel like I’m still 27, so how could my “child” be 27?

Anyway – when trying to decide what to get Jake for his birthday, we thought money was what he would appreciate most.

But I hate just writing a check or enclosing money in a card.

I need to be a bit more creative and personal than that.

So here is what I made for Jake.  A birthday money cake!

I think this is a cake even pie lovers would like – right?!

money cake Jake 27

It really was quite simple to make.

The layers are stryofoam discs with rolled dollar bills pinned to them.

I then made a “bow” from a $20, a $5, and two $1 bills to represent 27 years.  The layers are covered with 100 $1 bills.

money cake making

I used an 8″ piece for the bottom “layer,” then two 6″ ones glued together (they were not as high as the others, and I wanted to create more height), and the top is a 4″ piece.

I finished it off with some ribbon and poked 27 candles in too.

money birthday cake Jake 27

So – is Jake going to love it or is he going to want to shoot me for making him work so hard to take it apart to get his money???

I’m guessing the latter, but that makes me smile.  🙂

And I think Colleen will get a kick out of it.

Yep – these are the things I do at

life in between.

Cheers & Hugs,



241 thoughts on “A Happy Birthday Money Cake!

  1. Pingback: Best creative DIY Graduation gifts that grads will love

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  5. Hi! This is so cute! I can’t wait to make my own😊 Could you please tell me how many $1 bills you think I would need to make this? Thank you so much in advance!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this idea, we are making one for my son and daughter in laws reception. I’m pretty excited to see what Jim says after he sees how much work it will take to take it apart.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love you idea so , deciced to do one with a 14 inch base, probably four teir.
    Gussemate about 225 or 250 one dollar bills. Does that seem to be adequate?
    I am not limited to an amount. Just trying to get an idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your tax refund that can make you happy and the world a better place. | Divorce Lawyer Team

  9. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your tax refund that can make you happy and the world a better place. – WOWrly

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  11. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your tax return that can make you happy and the world a better place. | Civil Attorney Team

  12. My son is turning 29 in Sept and I was searching for a different money gift idea. I’ve made many money gifts throughout his twenties. I was so happy to see your idea and will be buying supplies today. How did you put the pins in the dollar bills? At a slant?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jodi , I am about to make this for my son’s 24th birthday. My question to you is about how many dollar bills fit around bottom layer ? If you could estimate would help me plan out .

    Liked by 1 person

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  15. FHill
    Made a four layer cake, using one dollar bills (178)
    Bottom layer divid in quarters, do one quarter and that’s a good measure.(4+the number used in

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Dollar Origami Crafts - Mindful Living Network

  17. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your tax refund that can make you happy and the world a better place. | Personal Injury Lawyer Team

  18. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your taxation refund that can construct you happy and the world a better place. – OnlineFitnessHelp

  19. Oh, what a brilliant idea. Jodi! Just make sure your son does not burn the money cake when he light the candles. I have been following your amazing post for quite some time now, but never received any notifications. But now the problem has been taken care of by WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your tax refund that can make you happy and the world a better place. | The Viral Beat

  21. Pingback: It’s A Thing 1.5.18 – Are We Adults Yet?

  22. I absolutely loved your Birthday Cake using Money as the main ingredient. I have a grandson that will be graduating from high school this May and would love to make a gift like this using $200.00. Could you give me an idea as to the size of layers to use. Any help will be greatly appreciated. This is the coolest idea yet. For my last grandchild who graduated from high school I covered an empty tissue box with graduation paper and taped each dollar bill together and as he pulled out a dollar bill another bill followed. It took him quite some time to get all that tape off but I loved to see his face light up as he was pulling dollar after dollar out of the box. Thank you for any help.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Peggy – glad you like this! I surely should have given better instructions about size when I did it. It’s been 3 years, but as I best recall, the bottom circle was about 8 inches in diameter, then middle approx. 6 inches, and top approx. 4 inches. Have fun – and I hope your grandson enjoys! Your tissue box idea is fun too!!


  23. Pingback: 23 ways to spend your tax return that can make you happy and the world a better place. | ShoutViral

  24. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

  25. Pingback: 10 Money Gift Ideas for Graduates - mother2motherblog

  26. Pingback: It’s A Thing 1.5.18 - Are We Adults Yet

  27. I love the ideal my son will be 32 on the 7th of August and he always get a cake this year I asked if he would be home for his birthday he said no. So I decided to do a cake out of money and send it to him and way. Hope to show the results after we finish.

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