Acceptance without Exception


I started out 2014 gangbusters with the One Little Word Challenge by Ali Edwards.

I participated in the Facebook Group Page commenting and sharing and encouraging others.

I began a journal and completed TWO WHOLE PAGES…

But I didn’t keep up with the monthly assignments…

I quit participating in the group…

I just didn’t find make time…

Yet I still feel good about my “one little word,” and I still feel like I have grown a great deal this year in Acceptance.

My biggest challenge was accepting ME for who I am.

How can it take 51 years to be OK with who you are?!??

Why did it take me so long?

Why am I not completely there yet?

Whatever the case, I have come a long way, and I am proud that I am coming to “accept” who I am, where I came from, why I am the way I am….

Accepting that I will never be skinny…

Accepting that I will never be beautiful by the world’s beauty standards…

Accepting that I come from a dysfunctional family…

Accepting that I can love people, but not have relationships with them…

Accepting that I can’t be everything to everyone…

Accepting that I am ok, because I am ME.

Accepting others for who they are – no matter their beliefs, religion, race, sexual orientation, political views, personal opinions, age, gender, place in the world….

Accepting life’s circumstances…

Accepting the life I am given, and making the best of it every single day.

On this Thanksgiving Eve Eve, I am so thankful for a wonderful year full of acceptance….

Acceptance that I have received…

Acceptance I have given…

Acceptance without Exception.  That is what it is all about.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cheers & Hugs,


PS  Have you ever participated in the One Little Word Challenge?  Do you have a life motto?  A Word of the Day, Month, Year?  It’s a great way to make a little difference.  I would love to hear about yours.



28 thoughts on “Acceptance without Exception

  1. Jodi, to me as I read your words on this week Thanksgiving, I come up with one word, profound in every sense, I will tell you, self awareness is something we all struggle with, and yes, even at 72. But, but, the more we reflect, hmmmm, and truly, realistically, look “inside” ourselves, I believe we can get a realistic sense of who we are—sometimes painful but mostly goodness. My word, as you know, is Reflect for this year. I have done a lot of that already in the way distant past, not so far past, immediate past all part of a search of self. What your wrote above is a reminder of my “reflective year”. This blog, to me, was again, damn profound with lots of “good stuffing” 🙂 for this turkey. I will go back and reread it and use it as a springboard for appreciating my own life even more and accepting everything I am—-Oh Rob!! So many more of those stories to come!!!


    • Thank you, my dear Oh Rob! You know I love you so dearly, and I so appreciate you taking the time to write. I am always a bit less comfortable with writing and sharing these more personal messages, and when I know it reaches or touches someone, it makes me feel more comfortable. Can’t wait to see you soon to accept and reflect! xo 🙂


  2. But you ARE beautiful, my dear Jodi, it shines through in everything you do and write and cook and create. I just know everybody who has you in their life thanks their lucky stars and if they don’t, they should! I don’t know about the One Word Challenge, but I do have some Personal Principles which I try to adhere to. The first is “Try Kindness First.” And I apply that to myself as well as others when the temptation to be hard on myself arises. I’m so happy that the journey towards self-acceptance is working for you.


    • Awh! Thank you sweet Barbara. I recently read a book called, “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio, which is really a 5th grade level book, but oh so profound and one I shared with a special 7-year old relative by reading together and going to the author’s lecture with her and her Mimi :). Anyway, in the story – the teacher introduces “precepts” to the class – and the one that stuck with me and will forever is – “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.” Just like your “try kindness first.” And funny thing is – Kindness was my OLW first before I changed to Accept. I was told by a few that I needed to pick one that i struggle with a bit more. 🙂 So – long story to say – this must be what I love about you… You are always so kind, and I so appreciate YOU! Hugs.


      • Have you heard the old saying about what to consider before venturing forth with an opinion? Something like “Is it kind? Is it necessary?” That’s so important, too, I think, knowing when to keep one’s mouth shut. What an impression this day must have had on your 7-year old relative. You say you chose “accept’ because that is one you struggle with more than kindness. I’m probably the opposite. I’ve definitely reached the acceptance phase of my life as much as probably possible, but the kindness part comes harder for me. I have to WORK at it. Not to get all heavy in this space but to put it mildly, kindness was not a quality emphasized in my home growing up. HIghly critical and judgmental influences abounded. So I’ve had to really work hard at not being that way myself. Having an immensely kind husband has helped a lot too! So thankful for him and my friends, both here in the blogosphere and IRL. Hugs to you too!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well – Barbara – this sounds like a discussion for us to have sometime in person over wine :). You sure have succeeded in overcoming the influences you were raised with – at least in my interactions with you. I have always felt your kindness, and I applaud you for recognizing in yourself that it is something you have to work at and that is worth it! We sure all are different with our own struggles and strengths and that is what makes life and relationships so interesting – and knowing it is how we can help and support each other! 🙂


  3. What a wonderful post from a wonderful blog friend, Jodi! I have been choosing One Little Word for the past three years. It really makes a difference to have one special word to focus on and meditate on each day. My OLW for 2014 has been ‘blessings.’ I have made it a practice to ‘Count my blessings out loud’ every day, all year long. Keeping my past OLWs close at heart has been wonderful, too. For the past week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the OLW to choose for 2015. Such a great way to grow!
    Warm Thanksgiving blessings, Jodi! ♡


    • Oh Dawn – how sweet of you! And how interesting that we also have this in common – my kindred spirit! 🙂 What a great word and one to focus on as there are so many blessings we miss when we don’t look for them! Good for you. Do you mind sharing what your other past two were? Warm Thanksgiving Blessings back to you, Dawn. Thank you for “accepting” me as your friend!


      • My pleasure! The first year, my OLW was ‘Breathe’ (especially important during stressful times). The next year, my OLW was ‘Grace’ (rather than striving for perfection). Now I continually practice all three words! I’m currently thinking about my word for 2015. So many important ways to grow in the New Year! ♡


      • Great words and great that you continue and grow with them. Can’t wait to hear what your word for 2015 will be, and I’m going to start thinking about mine!


  4. Jodi,
    So beautifully written! “Accept” seems to be such a simple word, but is so profound when we apply to our lives and daily living, and can be very difficult at times.
    You are a great person, and I am fortunate to call you friend.
    Have an awesome day and Blessed Thanksgiving,
    Char ❤


  5. My sweet friend, Char! Thank you for always being here for me – encouraging me – accepting me – loving me! I so appreciate how our friendship has grown, and wish you an awesome day and blessed Thanksgiving too! Please give our sweet Carole a tight hug from me and lots of tight hugs and lovin’ to those grands that I know you are going to have so much fun with!!


  6. What you wrote in this post is very very wonderful and just what I needed to read. I don’t have one word yet, but I will find one. Everything you said in your post gave me these thoughts, “Me too!” 🙂 You are such a lovely beautiful wonderful person I cannot even imagine one single thing being out of place in your life. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this exceptional post!


    • Awh! Thanks PJ! I am overwhelmed with the beauty in the responses I have received today on this and actually have tears of gratitude. I so worry about opening up like this and how it comes across, but it is just my heart, and I so appreciate your ongoing support and friendship and kind comments. You have the most beautiful heart and soul. Thank you my friend!

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  7. I have a life motto…Live today, there is no guaranteed tomorrow! Jodi, I love the openness in your writing. It reminds me of what it’s like to be 50ish. It seems to be a time of “life review” of where we’ve been and where we’re going. I think for you it’s a happy time!


    • Oh Christina- that sure is the truth and such a good motto. Is that what this 50ish “life review” menopausal 🙂 time is? I thought 40s were the best years and dreaded the big 50, but you know what? I’m kinda lovin’ it. When my kids were growing up, every year I said, “This is the best year – I wish they would just stay this age,” and then the next year I would say – no “THIS is the best year ever – let’s stay this age.” With the exception of a couple of teenage years, that’s how it kept going. Even now – I love this stage with my one married son and his amazing wife that I ADORE and who makes him so happy and my other son has found a girl that I am growing to love more and more each day. Every moment I get with any and all of them and other friends and family is such PURE JOY and I just cherish each moment. There is a great quote: “We remember moments, not days.” Oh I am a sentimental sappy fool these days. LOL! The holidays do that to me! Thanks for taking the time to read, share, and talk, my friend!

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      • Jodi, you are quite welcome! You must know that I live vicariously through your “family life in blog posts.” My sons are married, five granddaughters grown up or growing up, and we live states apart! I “remember when moments” come to mind often! Thanks!

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  8. I love your little word…..Acceptance is far more reaching in our lives than I ever thought……it’s a struggle or challenge daily! That said I will use mlw (my little word) “moxie” to tell you that you are a Kickass woman…… and I am so proud to call you family and friend! Hope you can accept that…. sweet lady!!


    • Thank you, my sweet moxie Joyce! You and our Oh Rob crack me up with your IDs! 🙂 What an enlightening day it has been receiving such amazing feedback on my Acceptance post. 🙂 Feeling so grateful – so thankful – so “accepted.” 🙂 I sure do accept your love and friendship and and extremely grateful for it. I love you dearly! See you soon! xo

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  9. My beautiful wife lois joined the one little word challenge about the same time Joyce went with moxie….the trouble now is she forgot what her word was…she lost it….she ask me what it was and I apparently wasn’t “LISTIONING”. If anyone knows what her word was please let me know and I will reintroduce it sublimnally so she dosent think she’s loosing it…..


  10. Jodi…I believe my word was PATIENCE! I need all the patience I can muster up living with Buster! Lois
    P.S. I still might be losing it!


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