Watercolor from the Beach

sea turtle watercolor card

It was fun to do a little dabbling in watercolor painting while at the beach last week.  And it was hard to think of anything besides the beach to paint while there!

One of the highlights of our little trip, however, was seeing a nest of endangered sea turtles hatch and make their way to the ocean.  72 hatched from the nest of over 100 eggs, and only about 1 percent will make it to maturation.  There was a group of volunteers that guarded the nest and helped them make it to the ocean safely without being scooped up by the birds waiting nearby.  Chances are many will not make it in the sea as so many predators await, but those that do make it to maturity can live up to 80 years.  It is quite fascinating actually, and you can learn more about sea turtles here and here.

So one of my paintings is of a sea turtle making its way into the ocean.

sea gull watercolor card

Another is a very abstract sand, sea, air  painting with a sea gull silhouette flying.

ocean sail boat watercolor card

And the other is just a simple seascape and sky with a sailboat.

I made these three little paintings into note cards to send to my three chicas to thank them for a great GFC week.

Hope you have a great day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

Cheers & Hugs,


56 thoughts on “Watercolor from the Beach

  1. These are all beautiful, and I like the abstracts the best! Love the colors, wow! I would be framing both of them, no doubt. They are absolutely lovely! I hope these aren’t the paintings that had you discouraged that we briefly discussed when you posted that photo of the sand and sky? If so, maybe you just needed some distance from them because they are wonderful. I’ve been wondering lately if abstract realism is where I belong. Now I’m wondering about you too! These rock, Jodi. Love your strength of color. Is this your old paint set, or something new? Great job on these. Your friends will love them! 💜💜💜

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks my most encouraging friend! 🙂 No these are not the one we spoke of – it’s on the other side of one of these – LOL! It’s my old paints, but I did just get a few tubes of M Graham and tested out late last night – wow – the colors are so deep and strong – completely different! WOWSERS! I see a clear difference in artist quality vs student/lesser! The little travel set I have is Sakura Koi.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I really do love these, and I’m so glad you got some Graham paints! And even better, that you love them! :))) Boy, the word needs to get out about them, because I am finding that this is one instance of getting more for less (unlike with the cheaper paper I was using). I hope you try more abstracts. You have great color instincts and I’m really impressed with your abstract work here!

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      • You are too good to me Laura! I can’t believe those Graham paints. They are so rich and vivid. I am not used to this… It’s like a whole new experience… so much to learn… so fun! 🙂

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      • Isn’t it?! Changing paper was huge for me. Like starting from scratch! Boy a little of that paint goes a looooong way. And as much as I truly like you Jodi, I’m not being kind. I really enjoy your watercolors, and you keep getting better!! Did you enjoy working abstract?

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      • I am so uncomfortable with the compliment… honest…. I really don’t think they are that good…. I really questioned even sharing them… .and then my son reminded me why I even blog :)… I love doing it, but…. oh the doubts

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      • Man, I don’t get it. Although I should. How many times have I disliked things people really liked? My most liked post of all time – I nearly ripped up and threw away, lol. These are free and beautiful and expressive and transporting. What else do we want from art than that?! I ask you. What else is art for? I don’t want anything else from a picture on my wall than that. Right? We want a feeling. That’s what I want. And you’ve given us that. Beautifully and uniquely. What else is there? A+! Idk. I understand the doubts cause I have them all the time. Painting every day this month did nothing to erase the doubt. But … if we want a photo, we can take one. That’s not what art is about. That’s my two cents. A+. 💜💜💜

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      • Hang on like grim death, babycakes LOL! And I’m talking glutened babycakes, with GMOs and everything!! Holy hell, YOU are the one who has taught ME all this stuff. I feel very weird trying to teach you lol. Watercolor is like the zen master. It has so much to teach us about life. It honestly does. When you try to control it, it gets away from you. When you relax, you have a ball. You know this. I have nothing to teach you, grasshopper! 🎨😘💐💜

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      • Thank you so much my watercolor sista! I so get what you are saying. thank you for the reminder. It is easier to say to others than to accept in yourself 🙂 ❤

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      • PS – I shouldn’t stick my nose in but I’m also gonna reply to your note to Jill. What is ever up to snuff?! In fact, what is snuff?!? Seriously, you’ve got it. Just relaaaaaaax and roll. Don’t try. Try is left brain. Relax and have fun is right brain (you see why I prefer art to accounting lol)? Just do it Jodi. And please share. These two seascapes are my favorites of yours yet!! And I do hope you give abstracts another try! Dying to see!! *jumping up and down*

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, Jodi! These are FABULOUS!!! I really like your color choices for your sea turtle! Also fascinating to learn about them! 😊 And your other two paintings are spectacular as well! So happy to see you enjoying watercolors! 🎨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Jill – my talented artist friend – you are too sweet! I really questioned sharing these as I was so sure they were not up to snuff. I even asked my son if they were OK to share. He reminded me of my purpose of the blog and told me he really liked the two seascapes. It is so strange how the harder I try, the less I like what I do, and when I just let myself relax and enjoy – that is when the best results occur – almost like it is too simple… Do you understand?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh, yes! I understand! It is hard to keep creating for the LOVE of it without your head or inner critic getting in the way. I don’t see myself as talented. I just LOVE experimenting in art. You, I see as very talented! Look at all the MANY creative things you can do! Wow! ❤️🎨 I sure hope you tell that inner critic to go fly a kite and keep being YOU! Loose and free Jodieeeee! 😊😊😊

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      • Are you kidding me? You don’t see yourself as talented??? That is sheer craziness! What is it with us? I see things completely opposite!!! You are the talented creative one Jilllllll 🙂

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  3. I love them Jodi! especially the one with the silhouette of a seagull.
    Wonderful choice of colours! It made me think of Luis Sepulveda’s The Story of A Seagull and The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly. Have you ever read it?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve never been lucky enough to see the turtles hatching and making their way to the sea! It’s so sad to think of how few of them make it. But this was a beautiful post. You are a very talented artist!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I didn’t realize how fortunate we were to get to see it really – but what a miracle – and the dedicated volunteers are amazing! Thank you for your kind compliment – I certainly do not see myself as an artist… But thank you.


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