Autumn Trees – to doodle or not to doodle

autumn trees watercolor doodle card

Happy First Day of Fall!

The other day – as I continue to convince myself how much I love Fall (and it really is happening!) I dabbled with a couple abstract watercolors of Autumn trees.  One I “doodled” up and the other I didn’t.

autumn trees watercolor card

Interesting what a different effect it gives.  And more interesting – I kind of like both.  (what do you think of that Charlie O and Laura!?!?)

So I asked my guys that evening, “Which do you like better?”

Hubby picked one… and my son, Nick, picked the other.

I knew that was going to happen!

Which one do you pick?

Cheers & Hugs,


49 thoughts on “Autumn Trees – to doodle or not to doodle

  1. hi Jodi, they are both very lovely and very Autumn like. Well done 🙂 If I had to select 1, I’d lean towards the top where you’ve used the Dark Pen for accents. Those deeper dark tones …. kind of help the overall tonal balance, giving it more definite Dark, Mid, Light tones. (imo) I like the 2nd as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t choose between them, so I vote both! Love the colors of autumn and the cooler weather (for about a week or 2)
    I grew up just loving summer’s freedom from school, staying outside late, no shoes, fun of swimming, fireflies, laying on top of the covers at night, so hot! Still my favorite season.
    But fall is pretty great too. All the yummy apples and pears and veggies from the garden, my mom made jelly from the Concord grapes and elderberries that grew in our backyard.
    If only winter was shorter, with spring beginning shortly after the holidays:)

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  3. Boy I can’t decide! I agree with Teresa. I think they are both great, for different reasons. I wouldn’t know which to choose if I were shopping somewhere! I’d probably get both! They are beautiful and I love love love your semi-abstract watercolors. They are wonderment and I am cheering you on, MacDuff! Or McKinney. Bah, whatever. lol! 💛💛💛💛💛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Cindy! 🙂 I have no idea what I am doing – haha! I’m just having fun. I think I do understand your comment and will take it as a compliment 🙂 xxoo


  4. Love these!! ❤️Hehe…I was thinking of a brilliant way to avoid choosing, but my coffee hasn’t kicked in so neither has my brain. 😊 So I won’t cheat…my personal preference is always the inky one! But you probably already knew that! Both are beautiful, of course! (And Philippe picked the second one…hehe, which is equally no surprise!)

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Both are spectacular!…. Since you’re making me pick…. The doodlewash 😉 Jodi I want to try the whole doodlewash thing, what kind/brand of supplies do you use? Your watercolors look great!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for choosing Nicole! Let’s see – basic supplies – a few great M Graham tubes of watercolor paint and/or the Sakura Koi watercolor field kit, Micron pen .05, Arches 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper, water. That should do it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Most definitely the doodle one. I love the character the card has with the defined, yet totally undefined lines. Made me happy to see it. Would you like my snail mail address?

    Liked by 1 person

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