November Clouds

November clouds and blue sky

“A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed.
It feels an impulsion…
this is the place to go now.
But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds,
and you will know, too,
when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond the horizons.”

Richard Bach – Illusions

(This photo was taken late yesterday afternoon from my work office, which sits on one of the highest spots in Mars, PA.  It was close to 70 degrees F again yesterday, which is so crazy unseasonably warm for November.  I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the blue sky and the puffy clouds and felt so inspired and overwhelmed and empowered by the beauty!)

Cheers & Hugs,

49 thoughts on “November Clouds

    • Oh Jenny – it is a gorgeous building in a gorgeous spot, and I only need to go in once a week or so for meetings as I am fortunate to work from home most of the time, but when I go, I always try to stop and appreciate the beauty of it. 🙂

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    • You know – I had read that so many years ago, and don’t know that I had a full appreciation for it, so I ordered yesterday on Amazon to read again with my 52 year old brain and soul, and I believe I will find a deeper meaning in it now. I also ordered his book “Illusions” that this quote is from. I love that these clouds brought this to mind. Life is such an adventure! 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

    • I know – right – that is kind of what I felt too Kerfe. The sky was so bright blue and the sun was peeking through, yet there were these huge puffy clouds floating too and some with gray – yet there was no rain or storm or even high wind. Just endless mystery 🙂

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    • Thank Cathe! The sun is still shining brightly today, but the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees. As long as the sun is shining, I am happy. It is time to get cold – so I am grateful for what we had 🙂


  1. Funny, I think this is the first November where I’ve noticed just how varied autumn skies can be. Some like your lovely photos. Others more menacing. And then tonite at dusk, my son & I commented how strange the sky looked, some pale blue with a few random cloud swirls, a bank of low, dark clouds, and a touch of a rainbow (though there had been no rain). We laughed that it looked like a bad set design for a low-budget play! Yet very memorable.

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    • Oh I love how you are enjoying it and what you see! Is it so different than usual? Or are we just beginning to notice? Whatever the case – nature has such beauty and mystery and joy to share! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and your comments Nancy!

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