Charlie’s Christmas List

Charlie stick

Dear Santa –

Charlie here.

I am soooo excited for Christmas!

I have been a very good boy this year – my first year of life.

(Well – most of the time anyway!)

I would be so happy if I could have the following things for Christmas

(and everyday if it’s not too much to ask).

Most of these things cost no money – they just require a little time and love.

I hope you will make my Christmas wish list come true.

May I please have:

12 sticks to chew on
11 games of tug
10 games of fetch
9 belly rubs
8 ear scratches
7 naps in the sunshine
6 zoomie runs around the house
4 scraps to fall on the kitchen floor
3 doggie treats
2 walks per day
1 warm, happy, loving home to live in.

Thank you, Santa, for whatever you can provide.

Sincerely and with much love,

PS  My mom says this reminds her of another Christmas song….

56 thoughts on “Charlie’s Christmas List

    • Oh Charlie O – I might be the only one who loves my mom’s singing voice! Dad highly recommends she does not sing in public. But I love your idea (and of course your name!) Love your friend Charlie.

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  1. Oh Charlie, you make me giggle. I hope your Mom starts taking a picture of you in the same place every month so, we can see the season’s change. Living in Southern CA, I have one season, it’s always summer! I promised my daughter, if I win the lottery we can move to PA…What was I thinking? She wants to go to Penn State so bad. Happy Thursday!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Ms Myra – the seasons are so much fun! And your daughter would love Penn State – it is beautiful. I am sure Mom will take some photos of me in the snow. After all – I am such a handsome subject – right? 🙂 Love, charlie

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  2. Dear Charlie: I am in receipt of your letter and am delighted to say, that it is people, uh… puppy’s, like you, who warm my heart with love and devotion, and ask so little in return. So, keep a sharp eye out for me on Christmas Eve as I will be bringing what you asked, and perhaps a few surprises —but please don’t bark and wake Mom and Dad. Love’s and scratches; Santa. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Santa! Santa! I knew you would answer me! Thank you! I hear you have a really nice friend named Paul. Will you please be good to him and his family too? I ask that you give them lots of love and time together and lots of laughs (because Paul is really funny!) Maybe you could surprise him with a new squeaky red nose. Love, Charlie


      • I’ve been hearing good things about him too. But, I’m a little suspicious, since all those letter’s seem to be coming from his house. Still, I’ll have the Elves check to see if he’s made the naughty list this year, just to be sure. But, if he passes, your recommendation will be forwarded to delivery, and we’ll find him a new nose! Thank you, Charlie; your friend, The Big Guy.

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    • My mom loves to sing Ms. Debi, so I can’t help but catch on. Dad says she is not very good at singing, but when nobody is home, we don’t care, and we sing loud and sometimes dance too! It’s lots of fun.

      We love your art Ms. Debi! You are one of my Mom’s most favorite artists. Thank you for the things you share. It makes her happy.

      Love, Charlie

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  3. Hi Charlie. Your list of Christmas want’s is not a lot to ask. In fact, I’d say your gifts are pretty much a guarantee. I had to laugh at the “zoomies” we call “zoomies” “go-go’s.” So every time a dog we know gets excited and runs every where in circles we would say: “go-go Baxter, go go.” I hope you get lots of those.
    Jodi, I love all your posts, poems, paintings, cards, recipes, updates, and letters from Charlie (how did you teach him to write ;)) Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Mandi! You are so very sweet! Thank you for your kind words! It means so much, and you really made my day. (And Charlie’s!) 🙂 Your new photo is beautiful! Hope you are well our friend!

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  4. Pingback: Charlie’s New Year’s Resolution | life in between

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