Rocking Into GRANDparenthood

baby mckinney sign

It is with GRAND excitement that I share the GRANDest news of all!

Our son, Jake, and Daughter-in-Law, Colleen are expecting a baby!

Which means hubby and I are rocking into GRANDparenthood!

rocking into grandparenthood

The GRANDest handmade GRANDparent Card – custom made by Jill

We could not be more GRANDly excited and happy!

You may remember my bestie Jill’s daughter just had a baby a month ago – the first McHendy GRANDbaby….

ben and jodi

Ben and “McHendy GRANDma” Jodi

Well – now Baby Ben is going to have a McHendy GRAND brother or sister!

And Jill made this GRAND rockin’ card, which she and Todd gave to Marty and I this weekend to go with a GRAND rocking chair for our front porch to rock our new GRANDbaby!

Marty Rocking

The Happy GRANDpap-to-be, Marty

We went out to dinner to celebrate, and they surprised us with this chair right in the restaurant parking lot!  (We sure have the GRANDest of friends!)

So if you haven’t figured out, I am GRANDly excited!

My Grandma was the greatest role model in my life, and I feel she has prepared me to be a GRAND Grandma.  If I can be only a fraction to our new GRANDbaby of what she was to me, it will be my GRANDest honor.

Cheers & Hugs,
Grandma-to-be, Jodi


114 thoughts on “Rocking Into GRANDparenthood

  1. I am GRANDly happy for you!! 🙂 and here because of my text to you I knew before it became public 🙂 What timing! LOL! I am sure that you both will make wonderful grandparents!!! What a perfect gift with the rocking chair! I loved rocking my babies! Cheers and hugs to you today!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What great news, Jodi!!! You will be an amazing Grandmother and have so much fun sharing your creativity with him/her. This is such a fun time for you and your family. God bless all of you, especially that new little one.
    Great news…:😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Such exciting news! Congratulations!!! I know the feeling and it is truly the best. Our two year old grandson has a sibling growing in our daughter. He doesn’t quite get it, but the rest of us know we get a new baby to love and hold in mid October. I love the rocking chair idea and the card you got! VERY creative!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is the best news ever, Jodi. You are going to be the best gma! I’d better get my needles out and make a ” Sharony” sweater for the little one. I’m so happy for your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this Grand announcement and you will be a GRAND Grandma and GRAND Grandpap!!! Grandma will be pleased and smiling brightly as she looks over you each!!! Such a sweet gift from The Hendersons too!!! Congratulations everyone!! I love you all!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow Congratulations Jodi 🙂 This is indeed a great news 🙂 I used to so ADORE and love my grandparents and used to tell everyone that I love them more than my parents when I was a kid 😛 Growing up, I changed it into equally love them like my parents but still they always have a special place in my heart no one else can occupy 🙂 I am sure you and your wonderful hubby will be awesome grandparents and wishing you the happiest of the moments in this journey ❤

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