Oh the Places we will Go!

Watercolor Pink Hot Air Balloon 8x10 140lb Arches Cold Press Quin Magenta & Quin Gold - Rekab 320s Brush

Watercolor Pink Hot Air Balloon 8×10 140lb Arches Cold Press Quin Magenta & Quin Gold – Rekab 320s Brush

Oh the places we will go….
Oh the things that we will do….

Oh the beauty we will see…..
Oh the love that there will be.

Dreaming of the the places, things, beauty, and love that I will experience upon the arrival of my first grandchild – my granddaughter – in just a few short months…

Oh how happy I will be!

Cheers & Hugs,

This watercolor was done using 1 brush (Rekab 320s Size 2 Squirrel Mop that Debi Riley creates magic with), 2 paint colors (Quinacridone Magenta and Quinacridone Gold), and a splash or two of rubbing alcohol on Arches 140 lb. Cold Press Paper using a wet on wet technique.  I added the words by simply writing with a Stabilo Aquarellable #8046 Pencil.

painting watercolor hot air balloon with rekab 320s

When I originally bought this Rekab 320s brush after reading how much Debi loves it and uses it (and which I could only find via mail order from an art shop in Australia), I liked it, but basically only used it as a “mop” for big, wet washes. It was the second “good” brush I bought.   It holds an amazing amount of water and paint, and I was amazed at the difference painting with such a high-quality brush makes.

painting watercolor hot air balloon with rekab 320s 2

After inquiring a bit more about how Debi does so much with it, she mentioned it can be used in many ways, even to create fine lines by simply flicking off the excess water and allowing the hairs to form a tight point.  Well… Wow – was she right!   I have discovered the magic of this amazing brush and am so thrilled.  Thanks Debi!  I still can’t create amazing painting like you, but I sure do understand why you love this brush, and I plan to play with it a lot more.

And PS – do you see my awesome #WorldWatercolorMonth mug in the photos above?! Isn’t it pretty sweet?  You can have one too, as well as a number of other fun #WorldWatercolorMonth SWAG at Charlie O’s Doodlewash Society 6 Shop.  And the BEST thing is – 100 PERCENT of the proceeds from your purchases go to the The Dreaming Zebra Foundation, where you can provide art and music supplies to under-privileged children throughout the world.

Research has shown that art education has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the learning field across socioeconomic boundaries. Unfortunately, arts education programs are too often the first to be cut when cuts are necessary, so more and more children each year are missing out on the important benefits of art classes.

Please keep in mind that beyond having fun and sharing our watercolor painting adventures this month, a bigger and higher purpose is to help affect real change and begin to reverse this trend.   Please consider even a $10 donation.  Imagine what a difference we could make if we all gave just the cost of a lunch out.

49 thoughts on “Oh the Places we will Go!

  1. I’d like to take a hot air balloon ride! 😄 It’s on my bucket list. Great post today, Jodi! You are on a wonderful journey in art and life and I’m thankful that I get to sail along with you. ❤️💕 🎀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s so sad to me that arts of any kind are usually the first to be cut out of the budget in schools, something that IMO is SO darn important for kids to expand both their minds and their creativity. That’s where it is at …. CREATIVITY. Your water balloon is so cool and thank you for explaining the process. I agree with you about Debi. She is fantastic!!! She is a great role model to look up to. 🙂 Great post, Jodi! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful dreams! I love the cheery colors of your Hot Air Balloon.

    I bought an Isabey Petit Gris Mop brush that also comes to fine point. I don’t use it for everything, but probably could once I know what I’m doing. The tools really do help make creating easier, and more fun don’t they.

    I received my 15oz WaterColorMonth mug, and a medium pouch two days ago. I’m having my morning tea in the mug now. It’s a great mug! I love the artwork, weight and quality of it. My pouch is going to hold all my travel Watercolor dodads, pencil, rulers, little spray bottle etc. If I don’t use it for make-up which is my other thought. 🙂

    Hope you go to amazing places today! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree, a good brush makes a world of difference! I am so glad to visit today, not only to enjoy your balloon and happy thoughts Jodi, but you have reminded me that I have stopped my daily painting! I must remedy that immediately!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are going to have so much fun when your new granddaughter arrives! And I love the way your balloon turned out. I had no idea a brush could be so versatile! Also, thanks for the reminder to donate to such a worthy cause.

    Liked by 1 person

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