Feathers Appear When Angels are Near

Blue Watercolor Feather - 5x7 Arches 140lb Cold Press - Prussian Blue, Cobalt Teal, Quinacridone Gold

Blue Watercolor Feather – 5×7 Arches 140lb Cold Press – Prussian Blue, Cobalt Teal, Quinacridone Gold

In light of all the tragedy and horrific events happening in the world,
I am choosing to find goodness, and beauty, and love, and happiness.

It is so easy to get caught up in the news and give more power to the demons
who do such things as drive trucks into crowds of innocent people celebrating life.

Instead, I found peace in art the other evening…

In thoughts of angels among us…

Angels in the form of good people
who do good things…
who spread happiness
and love and hope.

It is sometimes said that feathers appear when angels are near,
so I painted this blue feather to remind myself of the beauty and goodness that is also so close.

Blue is meant to bring a calming and peaceful energy.

May this simple blue feather I painted for #WorldWatercolorMonth today
be a symbol to you
of the angels among us.

Cheers & Hugs,

57 thoughts on “Feathers Appear When Angels are Near

    • Wow – I am humbled by your comment. I think this was not about painting, but about feeling – as it was a quick, easy one for me to do. The one for tomorrow was a struggle, and you can tell – doggoneit! πŸ™‚

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    • Thanks Jilly! This turned out pretty nice for a quickie. Tomorrow’s not so great – and took more time – oh well – you win some and you loose some! Hope you are having fun!

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      • I love painting feathers! πŸ’™ And I know what you mean, sometimes the ones that take the least amount of time are my favorites! 😍 It’s raining today… Good for reading, naps and walks. πŸŒˆπŸ’•

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  1. Pingback: A Giant Blue Feather | life in between

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