Friday Night is Pizza Night

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Friday night is often pizza night at our house, and although we often order in, sometimes we make our own homemade pizza.  It really is a fun way to get the whole gang engaged in the kitchen, and allows everyone to make their pizza just they way they like it.

pizza 1

This is a great, quick and easy fool-proof recipe for dough that you can top with any toppings you like.  It can be made ahead or right when you are ready to eat.


One of my favorites is to spread roasted garlic on the dough, top with fresh mozzarella, fresh basil, and fresh tomatoes.  Sometimes simple is the best.

Other times, we spread with tomato sauce and top with pepperoni, crispy crumbled bacon, sauteed onions and peppers, mushrooms, banana pepper rings, and/or black olives.

The only rule is the cheese MUST be fresh sliced mozzarella – no pre-packaged, shredded cheese allowed.  There simply is no comparison.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Homemade Quick & Easy Pizza Crust

Ingredients:pizza 1

  • 1 (.25 oz) pkg active dry yeast
  • 1 tsp white sugar
  • 1 cup warm water (approx. 110 degrees F)
  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 3/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp corn meal


Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water.  Let stand 10 min.

Stir in flour, baking powder, salt, and oil.  Combine well by kneading until smooth.  Let set for at least 5 min., or up to several hours.

If you have let the dough rise, punch down.  Stretch and toss or roll dough out onto baking stone or pizza dish sprinkled with corn meal.

Spread with desired toppings and bake in preheated 450 degree F oven over for 15 -20 minutes.


Cheers & Hugs,

49 thoughts on “Friday Night is Pizza Night

  1. I could live on pizza and be a happy person for the rest of my life. All your favorite stuff on bread. We just made pizza the other day with prosciutto, fresh peaches, ricotta and fresh mozzarella. Sprinkle a little balsamic glaze if you like. It was delicious.
    Prosciutto is great when it crisps. When figs are out we will substitue them or cut up a rotisserie chicken. I also just like peppers and onions with sauce and some sausage. But you can put anything on bread and I’m a fan. Except anchovies. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My husband is a great pizza maker. One of our favourite things to do is invite the kids over for pizza night and everyone chooses their favourite toppings. We like our crust extra thin. Haven’t done that in awhile. We’ll have to start it up again.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the recipe! I recently purchased a pizza stone for the grill and haven’t used it yet. I haven’t tried FRESH mozzarella cheese – now I will! 😊 I love pizza and LOTS of different toppings. Canadian Bacon, pineapple and sauerkraut is a FAV! You would be amazed how delicious sauerkraut is on pizza! 😍🍴🍕

    Liked by 1 person

    • I ALWAYS use baking stones for everything – cookies, pies, pizza. I don’t put it on the grill though. I am under the understanding they cannot go on the direct heat of a grill, but maybe yours is something specially made for the grill. Can’t wait to hear about it. And I have never heard of putting saurkraut on pizza – interesting. I’m betting I’d like it! How about some kielbassi on it too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. We often go out for pizza on Friday nights, which is sometimes great, and sometimes just means eating average pizza accompanied by cheap wine. I think I’ll have to try your method of making our own pizza, because then I can make it just the way I like it: lots of mushrooms and extra cheese! Although I’m also willing to eat just about any pizza topping, with the exception of anchovies. Those little things are nasty!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am really loving this idea of Pizza night being a Friday !!! Your pizza’s look so good. Do you know how long it’s been since I have made my own pizza dough? I know, shock and horror !!! I best get my A into G (lol) 🙂

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