Autumn in the Pumpkin Patch

Autumn in the Pumpkin Patch 9x12 Watercolor

Autumn in the Pumpkin Patch 9×12 Watercolor

Autumn is so leisurely lingering
and thoughts of pumpkins and trees in shades of oranges and red and yellow
are ever present.

I truly can’t remember when I have enjoyed the Fall season more.
The weather has been so beautiful.
Work has been busy.
Life has been full of exciting changes and anticipation.

One late evening this past week,
I felt the need… the urge…  the desire… to paint.
I opened my palette and wasn’t sure what to do.
So I searched my Pinterest inspiration and found and amazing artist, Herry Arifin,
whose style totally intrigued me!

The looseness, the light, the brightness, the bold strokes and color
totally captivated me.

I used one of his paintings as an exercise to practice and created this.
It doesn’t even come remotely close to the talent of Herry, but it was sure fun to try.

And I made myself do it from memory and imagination and with freedom and abandon as opposed to looking at and copying.

It’s been fun watching friends post photos of their little “pumpkins” in pumpkin patches and dreaming of our little pumpkin.  In fact, it is getting hard to think of much else!

This grandma-in-waiting is ready to take on the official role and title.  Just a few more weeks to go!

Happy Autumn!

Cheers & Hugs,



44 thoughts on “Autumn in the Pumpkin Patch

  1. I didn’t look at his style, but your style is all your own! Both the trees and punkin’s are awesome. I wish I could say fall was leisurely for me this year, between our remodel in progress and everything taking twice as long with one hand makes me feel like I have no spare time!

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    • You have had a challenging Fall. Ours has been busy too. What I was trying to emulate was that Fall Weather was leisurely in the way that it was lasting long and has been so wonderful, but I might have stated that wrong – lol!

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