Today I will choose to be kind


Today I will choose to be kind –
most especially and intentionally to those who are not.

I will remember how precious and fragile life is –
and seek to cherish the moments.

We may not remember days or weeks or months,
but we remember moments.

And life is made up of moments –
ones that bring joy…

And others that bring grief
and sadness and loss.

I will cherish those moments too
and allow myself to feel them.

For a heart that cannot grieve or feel sadness or loss
cannot also feel the fullness of joy and love and hope.

Today, and every day, I will seek to choose to be kind,
and I will also embrace the kindness of others.

For every moment
is what makes up a life.

Cheers & Hugs,

29 thoughts on “Today I will choose to be kind

  1. It is not always easy to feel the pain of losing someone you love. One of my words for this year for myself (I have many…) is kind. Remembering to be kind to myself. Thank you for inspiring me daily with your kindness. Hugs! ❤ xo

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