Into the Woods in Watercolor

Into the Woods Watercolor 9x11" Arches 140lb Rough

Into the Woods Watercolor 9×11″ Arches 140lb Rough

Into the Woods in Watercolor.

As I dream and wait for the trees in our backyard woods to transform into their Spring and Summer beauty from their current state of brown dormant sticks (recently covered in snow yesterday!) , I found a tiny bit of time late one evening this week to spend in my art studio painting a simple “spontaneous” landscape watercolor painting.

I haven’t had much time for art lately, so it was fun to create this little scene by completely wetting down the paper first and just throwing on some Cerulean Blue, Olive Green, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna and Quinacridone Gold and then twisting and turning the paper to allow it to form a soft background.

Once dry, I used a rigger brush in the same colors to add a bit of definition here and there.  The total time spent on this was less than 30 minutes, but it felt great to paint.  I was inspired by Steve Mitchell’s Spontaneous Watercolor Landscape to try this technique and hope to do it again.  This is the kind of painting I really love to do – spontaneous, somewhat abstract, and very relaxing.

Happy Weekend!  Hope you find time to do the things you love!

Cheers & Hugs,

57 thoughts on “Into the Woods in Watercolor

    • I love that people see different things. It was a totally loose and random exercise so I enjoy hearing what people see. Thanks for sharing Jenny! Hope all is well with you and the penguins 🙂


    • Oh Pam – thank you – it is by far not a piece of fine art, but it was a fun exercise, and I’m glad it evoked an image of a special place to you! Thanks for sharing that.

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    • My friends, Tammy T and Mike live in Big Island! This is so cool to know another Ohio person! I live in Delaware Ohio and she has worked with me for over 7 years. . . Small world. Off to visit you. ~Robin

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  1. My first reaction was “a pile of Brussels sprouts on a wood server” (I am being very honest). I liked the overall effect but I have to question a painting where I only know what it is from the title. Perhaps “Bon Chance!” would be a good title? Sorry Jodi. I really do like most of your work!
    Question: When you decided that this painting was finished, were you as happy with it as (e.g.) your water color purple flowers? Just curious. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol! You make me smile Colin. Love your honesty! Made me think about it a bit! 🙂 So this isn’t a painting I would hang in my living room by a long shot, but it was a super fun exercise that I thoroughly enjoyed. Bon chance means good luck – right? so why would you call it that? Just curious. And I do wonder if I had not put “Into the Woods” as the title, what people would think it was – that is a very interesting thought and I should do that some time! Into the woods is just what it felt like to me, but if you think it looks like a pile of brussels sprouts – I love that too! 🙂 No serious expectations on this one, just a chance to splash and play and enjoy watching watercolor do its thing. I don’t consider myself a fine artist by any stretch of the imagination, just a player. If I had to choose my favorite painting of late – I think I would pick my “Something about Sunflowers” painting (, but not sure that others would feel the same. Art is so so very subjective, and that is what is so fun about it. I used to get hurt or offended by a comment that didn’t agree or like my work, but I don’t anymore – and I am proud of that – I share it – just to share – the feelings and joy I felt doing it, but it’s ok if someone else doesn’t like it. I wonder if I called it brussels sprouts what others would say?! lol Someone mentioned they saw animals in the woods. I love what art evokes in different people. (PS did you hear about C’s good news? – so glad it turned out the way it should have)


    • You are so sweet dear PJ! Always encouraging even when it is certainly less than fine art! It was a fun exercise and brought me great joy to create. The sun is shining brightly today. The birds are singing, the buds are popping! And I am baking wedding cookies! 🙂


      • Sounds like a beautiful day your way! I think it is suppose to be cloudy here today but beautiful tomorrow. Your art is beautiful Jodi no matter if you spend several hours on a painting or 30 minutes on it. You are going to have a rockin’ wedding cookie table! Your son and new daughter-in-law will be impressed!

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    • you are so sweet Jenna – glad you get it. Been too busy with other stuff to take time to paint lately and miss it, but will have time soon I’m sure. enjoying the sunshine streaming through the windows today as I continue baking wedding cookies 🙂


  2. I checked out your link and he looks like a good teacher. I enjoyed learning more about your process for creating your piece, Jodi! 🎨😃 Glad you found some time to paint – love the colors you chose! 👍 Happy weekend to you too! 🌸🌼🌷

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  3. This is a beautiful and serene woods which shows depth and interest between the trees. . .Perhaps some little trilliums, spring beauties and forest flowers popping up! 🙂
    Jodi, I had a nice side comment to one of your blogging friends. (Small world since I knew the Big Island she was speaking of!) Have a wonderful week ahead. . 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Robin. It was just a fun practice. I saw your comment to Pam. You will love her blog! She posts once a week typically on Saturday mornings, and is a most gifted writer. You will want to pour a cup of coffee and sit in a cozy chair and savor every word she writes.

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