Jenna’s Roses in Watercolor

Jenna's Roses in Impressionist Watercolor 8x10 Saunders 140lb Cold Press

Jenna’s Roses in Impressionist Watercolor 8×10 Saunders 140lb Cold Press

Jenna’s Roses in Watercolor.

My super-talented, creative, artistic blogging friend, Jenna at The Painted Apron reached out recently to ask if I was interested in a “crazy idea.”

Jenna asked if I would be interested in both of us doing a floral watercolor from the same photo and sharing them to show how every artist interprets differently and has their own unique style.

I immediately said “Yes!”  Initially honored and excited, then doubtful and nervous, I waited for Jenna to provide the photo.

When Jenna sent this photo of gorgeous roses, I said “Let’s do it!”  Then I thought…. what did I get myself into?!  Roses are so complex and intricate.  And look at all of the detail in this photo.  My first painting was an effort to replicate.  It was ok, but it wasn’t “Jodi.”

I then decided to just create the beauty I felt from the photo, and I came up with my version.  Still not sure I love it, but I like it… and I really, really enjoyed creating it.   I painted it this past weekend during a sunny afternoon on the deck.  It is fun and completely different painting outdoors when the air and sun dries the paint much faster than while inside in the studio.

Here is Jenna’s painting of the rose photo.  Isn’t it beautiful?!   She is a real artist!

Jenna is my blogger “soul sister” in so many ways.  We both enjoy being creative with art and recipes and decorating and entertaining.  Be sure to check out her blog, The Painted Apron.  I’m sure you will enjoy!  Jenna also sells her art at where her art is made into tote bags and mugs and pillows and iPhone skins and many other beautiful things.  Hope you will check it out.

Thanks for the fun challenge, Jenna!

Cheers & Hugs,

53 thoughts on “Jenna’s Roses in Watercolor

  1. This is a fun project. You each show a different side of the roses, and neither tries to reproduce the photo which is exactly right. The looseness of your interpretation is more what I would do. The leaves really frame the flowers well. (K)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for the fun Jodi! When you choose the roses from the 2 photos I sent you, I was a little nervous too! A large bouquet is complex and intimidating and I think you did a brilliant job of re-interpreting it into a feeling and making it your style! Thank you also for the compliments, but as I’ve told you before, you have been an inspiration to my taking up watercolor again and it has brought me so much pleasure. It is a great medium for outdoor painting, and I didn’t think about the drying factor…that is good for impatient me! It was so great pairing with you for this project that pushed us both a little…and thanks for the Society6 link. Happy Mother’s day sweet friend,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Kathy! That makes me smile to think my art expresses my personality. That is my goal. Who woulda thought when I picked up that first paint brush two years ago? It’s been such a fun journey. I love it more and more. You will love Jenna’s blog. She is amazing! One of these days I should do one of your birds for fun. Want to pick one or take one for me for a challenge and we will both share? Jenna’s idea might be fun fort is too. Lol. 😉


  3. What a great project and each interpretation just astounds me! You definitely put the “Jodi” stamp on yours with the loose overhead view and paints splatters – genius! And Jennas poised arrangement with the surprise bud in the background is refined and elegant. I give gold stars to the the both of you! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

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