The Rest of the Gang from Moonbeam Farm

Dewey the Cat from Moonbeam Farm in Watercolor 8x10 140lb Cold Press

Dewey the Cat from Moonbeam Farm in Watercolor 8×10 140lb Cold Press

The Rest of the Gang from Moonbeam Farm.

I found a couple hours yesterday afternoon after a glorious, long holiday weekend to paint the other two characters that live on Moonbeam Farm with Odessa the Owl, who you may recall from a post last week.

Above is Dewey the cat.  Dewey is always hungry and always getting into mischief on the farm with his friends.

Below is Jaxon.  Jaxon is a magical Jackalope who often comes to Dewey’s rescue, but other times gets him into more trouble.

Jaxon the Jackalope on Moonbeam Farm in Watercolor 8x10 on 140lb Saunders Cold Press

Jaxon the Jackalope on Moonbeam Farm in Watercolor 8×10 on 140lb Saunders Cold Press

And in case you didn’t remember, this is Odessa.  Odessa is the wise (and wise-cracking) owl.

Odessa the Owl on Moonbeam Farm in Watercolor 8x10 140 lb Saunders Cold Press

Odessa the Owl on Moonbeam Farm in Watercolor 8×10 140 lb Saunders Cold Press

It was fun painting the animal characters that live on Moonbeam Farm and in the imagination of Carolyn and Colin who are working on a children’s book for kids from 1 to 101.

They’ve been sharing excerpts they collaboratively write  on Carolyn’s blog, and it’s been fun watching the characters and plot evolve.  Hope you’ll check it out and join the adventures!

Cheers & Hugs,


62 thoughts on “The Rest of the Gang from Moonbeam Farm

      • Hi Jodi – As Odessa is our current our choice of front cover, and as she does have three other friends, it might be nice to have them on the back cover! (The publisher may have very different ideas… but we have to start somewhere!). However, we are going to need a friendly farmer character (Man-Servant) to complete the characters. How are you with painting people?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lol. I gave him a shot as I picture him. Quizzically confused by all the shenanigans at mb farm. 😝 I sent to Carolyn. I don’t think I have your contact info but I don’t think she liked him. Lol. You should get a professional to do the characters justice. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

      • LOL! Trust me Jodi, you did a much better job then I could have done on the Man-Servant! He does look confused which well…. it fits a wackydoodly Man-servant, right? 🙂
        When your picture came to my phone things were totally wacky at work and my brain was, well I think you get the picture 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  1. You are a Gem Jodi!! Perfect thing to see when I got home from a hectic day! The characters have always seemed real to me, as I talk to them quite often. 🙂
    Now they appear even more real! LOL!
    Thanks sweet friend for your hard work! Superb job!! Love them! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      • I’m confused about what is happening on your site. I’ve been busy too so not quite as present. I understand. I appreciate you reaching out though. 👍😉. We kinda go way back eh? 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      • We go way back!! 💕😃 But I’m curious to know more about why you say you’re confused about what’s happening on my site. I’m admittedly trying lots of new things at once so I would truly appreciate your insight and feedback my friend!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I’ve added community features to my site. You can log in and create your own profile and upload art. That activity shouldn’t show up in the main feed, but on the WordPress Reader it seems to be. Still have to work that out with them to see what the problem might be. 😊Figuring it all out! Totally new adventure!! Hehe

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep… totally new theme and lots of new features. hehe… So my settings are still a little off in some places. I fixed the full post showing…should be back to normal now… thanks for pointing that out! I’m adding a community section to the site so people can login and create there own galleries and interact Facebook-style right on Doodlewash. Crazy and ambitious and totally experimental, but seems to be working so far. 😊 You know me… hehe… always building new stuff! I’ll be officially launching it in the week ahead!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes please! hehe… you can click the WordPress Login on the site and it will automatically create a profile for ya. There’s a media tab where you can upload art! Something new I’m trying, but I’m LOVE to see your little avatar show up there! 😃💕


  2. Lovely paintings, Jodi! I’ve always thought you would make a great children’s book writer, and it turns out I was right! And thanks for letting me know about the book…until you mentioned it, I didn’t know Colin was doing that. I’m going to click on the link and read the excerpts now.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

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