Daily Stretches

Daily Stretches.

Stretch your muscles
to move about with ease.

Stretch your eyes open wide
to see the beauty in this world.

Stretch your mind
to explore new experiences.

Stretch your wallet
to give to those in need.

Stretch your heart
to give more love.

Stretch your imagination
to create art or music or beautiful words.

Stretch your arms open
to embrace in a hug.


Cheers & Hugs,

41 thoughts on “Daily Stretches

  1. Very beutiful thoughts Jodi. On a side note (and totally different to the meaning of your words in your blog) I will be stretching alot today. Over did my bike ride yestetday….Pedaled 50 miles over 6 hours Haven’t bicycled since Terry did his bicycle video blog at Penscola NAS back in Aug ot Sept of 2016. My muscles feel it today. Luv Gary

    Liked by 1 person

  2. To stretch is the act of expanding beyond normal limits, you just have to admire the very concept of that! Love your inspirational thoughts and photo too! We should heed the determination and ingenuity of squirrels, they never give up trying. I just took all my feeders/bird houses down until after this coming storm passes the northeast. I don’t want them airborne. Thank-you for a lovely post!

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