All of the Sudden

Flowering Crabapple Tree, Mars, PA – Spring 2018

All of the Sudden.

You wait.
You wonder.
You anticipate.

And then
one day
you blink.

And all of the sudden
the beauty and joy and delight

All of the sudden.

Cheers & Hugs,

41 thoughts on “All of the Sudden

  1. I have become so impatient for Spring to arrive, beyond a day on the calendar telling me that it has. There is the tease of a warm day that soon returns to cold. My daffodil buds seem unable to open, the weeping cherry tree seems frozen with uncertainty and my grass is more brown than green. Ralph W. Emerson suggests : “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” I’m trying. For now, I’ll enjoy your beautiful tree blossoms and hope that all of a sudden Spring will be sprung! Thank-you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Ellen! It was so beautiful here for a day or two. Reached 85 on Friday and my granddaughter and I spent hours outside and came in pink. The snow came back today. Lol. I keep saying I am going to enjoy it as it must be the last. Great quote!!!


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