Let it Go – Let it Flow

Blue, Bluff, Black, Gold Abstract Acrylic Pour – 24×36

Let it Go – Let it Flow.

I am having so much fun experimenting with a new art medium – Abstract Acrylic Pour.

I am so intrigued by the beauty and challenge of abstract, and I am letting go and letting it flow!

This is my largest painting to date – it is a full 3 feet wide by 2 feet tall.

This technique involves mixing acrylic paint with Flood Floetrol – a paint additive that allows the paint to be more pourable as well as Silicone to create “cells.”

This painting is going to my youngest son and daughter-in-law’s home, and I have a few more to share later this week that I’ve been experimenting with including two I created for my granddaughters’ rooms.

I hope everyone in the U.S. is enjoying this extended Memorial Day holiday weekend, while also taking the time to remember and honor those that lost their lives in service to our country’s freedom.

Cheers & Hugs,

52 thoughts on “Let it Go – Let it Flow

  1. So cool! I find it interesting that neice and you are experimenting at the same time with this kind of technique. She is having fun as well! 🙂
    I will admit abstract paintings weren’t always something that I really liked but you are helping me to see the beauty in them. Keep letting it flow my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am usually not very fond of abstract art, but I like your painting for its southing and pleasant effect. I see in it a pure mountain stream flowing over shallow sand and gravel. What a wonderful gift!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Lenore. I have done about 7 pieces now. It is more challenging than it looks and I keep wanting to do better. Lol. Having so much fun with it. And making a huge mess. Haha


  3. Jodi, beautiful flowing water with my favorite Mediterranean colors. I love abstracts and this new style. Look forward to seeing more. Have a peaceful Memorial Day. 🇺🇸 Christine


  4. Being that I lack an artistic bone in my body, your methods of painting intrigue me. Being more than a tad curious, I had to explore the additions to your acrylic paint. Being totally confused by silicone’s use for lubricating treadmills, I ask…what cells are you gaining from this addition? Love the abstract, colors are gorgeous. The Toddler Art Critic will pass judgement on Tuesday. Have a wonderful holiday! Thank-you! P.S. Granddaughters rooms…as in plural?

    Liked by 1 person

    • So good to hear from you Ellen. I was not very successful in gaining many cells in this one, but you will see them in ones to come in the future. I still like this though. And yes. Ssshhh! 😉💕. Another granddaughter on the way. My first granddaughter is going to be a big sister soon. 😍

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad to see you are having so much fun with this technique, Jodi! 🎨👍 Love how the colors swirl together! 💙 And awesome color choices!
    Excited to hear you will be a grandma again soon…🌸💖🌈💕

    Liked by 1 person

  6. An incredible painting! I am imagining it with its size in mind ….
    When I first saw it, I thought it was a photographs of a body of water which you had used photoshop to filter and distort: I love the movement and the reflections and the colours!
    My aunt has just started creating using this technique as well – before this month, I hadn’t even heard of it! Education continues ….

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Love that you are having so much FUN. And letting go. Or Going with the Flow! It suits you well. I like purplePumpernickels comment about it being a body of water. But Peter Klopp really described it to perfection. Lovely. I envy your youthful energy. Congradulations on being Grandma to baby sister soon, so Exciting! That news really made my day! Beautiful painting. New color “Bluff”. ? hehe. Think of all the types of art you can teach these little girls. Don’t. forget spin art, these acrylic pours look awesome using a lazy susan or potters wheel. You’ve only just begun.

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  8. The Toddler Art Critic has spent two days examining and pondering this composition. I asked him yesterday morning : “what do you think?” Benjamin said : “Gem, I am still thinking.” Today he said : “I need to see it bigger.” Surprising to me, but by clicking on the picture it became larger and by clicking again it expanded to show minute detail. He had me click back and forth, up and down, with his nose practically touching the screen. Finally he said : “The colors are running into each other, sometimes they are angry and sometimes they are happy. Tell My Jodi, I like it!”

    Liked by 1 person

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