Bloom, Blossom, Grow

Hanging Basket – Mars, PA

Bloom… Blossom… Grow.

Bloom boldy…
Blossom confidently…
Grow unceasingly.

Be the You
You were meant
to be.

Beautiful, blooming,

Cheers & Hugs,


PS  If you are local to the Pittsburgh area, be sure to check out JJ McKinney Family Farm, where I purchased this gorgeous hanging basket.

41 thoughts on “Bloom, Blossom, Grow

  1. Benjamin and I came to visit earlier this morning. Suddenly he exclaimed : “Wait a minute, why is that picture on My Jodi’s blog?” He had noticed the new photo on the Instagram post along the right side of the screen. I told him that you are using this photo now. “But why, I love the other My Jodi picture?!” So, we needed some time to discuss this distressing event and left. Upon return, the Instagram photo has changed and Benjamin was relieved…until I went to some previous posts and he saw that the comment photos had changed too. I opened the about page and there is My Jodi, just as Benjamin remembers and he was happy. Then he said : “I can’t make My Jodi sad, the new picture is pretty too, don’t tell, okay Gem?!” Change can be difficult at any age! We do love the beautiful hanging basket of flowers and the poem. Are the flowers from a branch of your McKinney family? Thank-you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh dear! Who knew this would cause such distress?! Lol. 🤪Gotta keep it real and current. Getting older and fatter. Argh. Benjamin would probably die if he saw me in the morning before any appropriate prep for public. 😳.

      The flower are from my husband’s cousin’s family farm. They grow amazing flowers and veggies and it is their life’s passion. ❤️🌼🌸

      Liked by 1 person

    • My hubby’s cousin and his family have a farm business. They love doing it and they are lovely. Best fresh veggies and beautiful flowers ❤️


  2. Those flowers are gorgeous! And I honestly believe the most important thing we can learn to do in life is to blossom into the person we were born to be. It’s something we have to be intentional about, I think. Thanks for this post!

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  3. Pingback: Bloom, Blossom, Grow — the creative life in between –

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