Cherish the Moments

Cherish the Moments.

Crispness in the air.
Leaves turning colors and falling.
Front porch sitting.

Taking time to breathe.
And relax.
And snuggle.

Neighbor dog visits.
Grandbabies giggle.
Swinging the heaviness of the day away.

Cherish the moments.

Cheers & Hugs,

After two very heavy-hearted days being riveted to the hearing of Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, a late Friday afternoon on the front porch swinging with one grandbaby while hubby held the other was just what was needed.  The air turned crisp, Charlie rolled in the grass, the neighbor’s dog visited.  And for just a moment….. the world was perfect.  Cherish the moments!

37 thoughts on “Cherish the Moments

  1. The fatigue of fighting heaviness is becoming a daily, hourly, moment to moment feeling.
    Your message is uplifting…’s a beautiful mantra…..cherish those beautiful moments ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  2. Sometimes, we do need something to ground us. And what better than our family, especially grandchildren? They are the perfect reminder that life really is okay, despite whatever drama or problem the world happens to be dealing with at the moment. I think we need to actively seek out hope these days!

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