World Watercolor Month 2019 – I’m an Artist Ambassador Again!

World Watercolor Month 2019 – I’m an Artist Ambassador Again!

My amazingly-talented, awe-inspiring, huge-hearted buddy, Charlie O’Shields at Doodlewash is once again hosting the annual World Watercolor Month celebration in July, which he created four years ago to inspire people to paint with watercolor while raising awareness for the importance of art and creativity in the world.

I wish I could express how much joy art has brought to my life since I discovered watercolor painting about four years ago – around the same time as Charlie – when we became blogging friends.   Charlie has taken it to a whole new level with his energy and creativity, while I hobby along, yet he has once again honored me this year with the privilege of being a World Watercolor Month Art Ambassador along with some “real” artists I totally admire!

For the month of July and in honor of World Watercolor Month, I will be donating $1 from every watercolor sale (originals, prints, greeting cards) from our McKinneyX2Designs ETSY shop to Dreaming Zebra which helps support children in need around the world by providing art supplies and art education.Research has shown that art education has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the learning field across socioeconomic boundaries. Unfortunately, arts education programs are too often the first to be cut when cuts are made, so more and more children each year are missing out on the important benefits of art classes.

The Dreaming Zebra Foundation is unique in that they provide an art recycling program that is free to the public. Reusable art & music supplies that would otherwise be discarded, along with new or unsold materials, are donated by individuals and businesses and matched to recipients who have requested those materials for arts education purposes in communities around the world.

This year, Charlie chose my Bumble Bee watercolor, which I love because it also expresses an important environmental message, as the MX2D watercolor to be put on this year’s limited edition Artist Ambassador zippered pouch souvenier merchandise for World Watercolor Month 2019.  100% of the proceeds from the purchase of these zippered pouches will go to the Dreaming Zebra Foundation!

To learn more about World Watercolor Month, click here.

I’ll be sharing more in July, which is only 11 days away!  How is that possible?!  Hope you will join us in the fun – through sharing your art or supporting art through your purchases.

I would also like to give away a couple of these pouches as a way of thanking all of you sweet supporters of The Creative Life in Between and McKinneyX2Designs.  To be entered in the random drawing, simply comment with “I want it!”  I will choose two winners July 1st!

Cheers & Hugs,


54 thoughts on “World Watercolor Month 2019 – I’m an Artist Ambassador Again!

  1. Lovely rendering of the bumblebee, Jodi! You are so right when you deplore the lack of proper art instruction in our school system. Living in a world, where technology reigns, people fail to recognize the importance of art in the development of our children. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I want it! (Actually, I’d LOVE it!) And thanks for the heads up about Watercoloring Month. I think I’ll make it a challenge to get some brushes and paint and try it out. YouTube water coloring tutorials here I come! :o)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great idea and a wonderful cause! How did I miss this the last four years? I am a big believer the arts in school. If not for art class I never would have found a safe excepting haven when I was growing up shy and insecure. Art gave me an identity and purpose, something I was good at. I’m sure the same rings true for the kids playing instruments, acting in plays or developing skills in wood shop. Bravo to you and Charlie!

    Oh, and of course “I want it!”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

  5. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

  6. Namaste, My Jodi! It’s me, BENJAMIN! I waited to the very last day to tell you that I am proud of you, cause being the Ambassador is awesome! I am so proud of Buzz too, cause he’s an Am-BEES-ador for all the bees. I thought that up in my brain all by myself, Gem laughed! Guess what? Gem got a Buzz Bag for me! It is going to be for pencils and stuff when I go to Kindergarten, that’s real soon. I painted pictures too, but not so great ones like you. That’s okay, right, cause I have fun painting! I’m sending you lots of kisses and a humongous neckbuster hug! Bye!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HI BENJAMIN! It is always so good to hear from you and Gem! You always make me smile. First you made me laugh about the AmBEESador!! LOL! And now I am smiling because I am so honored to be going to kindergarten with you (in a way) since you have a Buzz Bag to take! That really really warms my heart! I wish you could see my humongous smile right now!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I can’t believe you are off to kindergarten soon. You are growing up so fast! You are going to love it! Lots of kisses and hugs back buddy!!! xo


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