Peek a Boo Giraffe

Peek a Boo Giraffe.

A fun monochromatic painting I recently did using all Sepia watercolor for this “peek-a-booing” giraffe.

Did it make you tilt your head?

Peek a Boo!

P.S.  I am pretty excited to be the “Artist of the Month” at a sweet, fun and delicious coffee shop near me – Wunderbar Coffee & Crepes.

Wunderbar serves Italian inspired coffees, French crepes and American grilled cheese sandwiches in a historic German town north of Pittsburgh named Harmony, PA.

If you are anywhere nearby, I hope you will check it out and  experience the wonder of Wunderbar.  It is not  your run of the mill cafe. Their focus is “to provide a fun and unique space where everyone is welcome to gather, connect and create relationships, for a moment or a lifetime. Where the collision of senses and caffeine fueled inspiration explode and splatter. An open minded destination where transcending concepts and ideas are explored in depth and shared with everyone to experience together and by themselves. A refuge from empty promises and meaningless stories. An escape from a suffocating environment full of pre-existing notions that condition us to be the soul-less product of our over commercialized world. A breathing, living, self sustaining space that is an embracing work of art in itself. A place you can’t wait to return to!”

Here I am Saturday after hanging up my art.  Thanks Wunderbar!

Cheers & Hugs,


55 thoughts on “Peek a Boo Giraffe

  1. “Namaste, My Jodi! It’s me, Benjamin!! WOW, My Jodi is Artist of the Month! That is so cool! I love Boo the Peek-A-Boo Giraffe, he is the awesomest giraffe I ever saw! You look so beautiful in your giraffe coat with all the paintings! I ‘specially love the Bumblebee painting! Two thumbs up and zillions of Gold Stars, cause you are the bestest painter. Lotsa kisses and neckbuster hugs too! Thank you and Bye!”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Benjamin does not permit me to make comments on his “letters”, so I will add my comment here. Benjamin was so excited to see his friends, Mr. Mike and Miss JoyRoses on “My Jodi’s ‘log”. This gave him the idea that we need to send this to some of his other ‘log friends like Ms. Liz and Miss Jill, so “we can all be friends together”! I told him that Ms. Liz will get it in her mailbox, but we will send it to Miss Jill. I had to laugh at his saying you are wearing a giraffe coat, he also mentioned that you have holes in your jeans just like “mommy’s”. Wunderbar sounds like my kind of place, coffee and crepes!! But not just because it sounds positively yumalicious, but because they have the good sense to display your talents for all to see! Congratulations! Thank-you for sharing “Boo” and your exhibit!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Aww! Such a sweet note. Thank you Ellen! Your last comments made me smile, and I love how you/we have now named this sweetheart “Boo!” 🙂 Too funny also about the giraffe coat and holes in my jeans! No holes in your jeans Gem? 🙂 ❤


  2. Namaste, Miss Jodi! I had an email from our mutual young friend, Benjamin, who told me to visit this post, for he knew I would love this giraffe! And I absolutely do love the giraffe! Yes, it made me turn my head before I even thought about it! Congratulations on your ‘Artist of the Month’ award … you certainly deserve it! I occasionally get to Pennsylvania … if I’m ever in the area, I will check out Wunderbar and as after Miss Jodi! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

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