Only Love Matters

Only Love Matters.

Autumn Leaves
are the most beautiful

right before they fall to the ground
and die.

Did you ever notice that
about people?

Some of the most beautiful moments
are experienced

when someone knows
their time left is short.

Things they once thought important
seems insignificant.

Only love matters.

Why can’t we live like this
all of our days?

Embrace that beauty within.
Let it shine.

Share it with others,
and see their beauty.

Only love matters.

Cheers & Hugs,

36 thoughts on “Only Love Matters

  1. As I look out my window and take notice of the foliage, I see a timely depiction of this truth. Thank you for bringing this into sharp focus! I think gratitude plays a big part in much of this – being able to see the beauty around you. When you have a grateful heart, joy abounds. ❤

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    • Thanks Peter! Watching a dear friend and cousin put parents on hospice care this week really had me thinking. I spent 10 years working in the hospice industry, and it truly is such a beautiful gift. It is unfortunate that so many don’t realize all the special small gifts of life until it is so close to the end. Just some crazy thoughts to hopefully inspire us to cherish all the moments of life! ❤

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  2. I hope some day when you write your book “Reflections of life in between” you include this lovely & profound poem. The fall colours are bursting everywhere. Even without a photo, we are sharing the same experience…coast to coast.

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  3. That’s so true, Jodi! Often we don’t understand what really matters until we realize that time is running out. I wish we really did live every day as if it were our last day. And I love that photo…the colorful dying leaves against the beautiful sky illustrates your point perfectly!

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