Vintage Santa Face Watercolor

Vintage Santa Face Original 11×14 Watercolor by Jodi McKinney

Vintage Santa Face Watercolor.

Hi Friends –

It’s been a hot minute or two (aka almost a month!) since I’ve posted here on my CreativeLifeInBetween blog.

And I have to admit… I have really been enjoying the blogging break.

I have been enjoying lots of time with family and friends and keeping busy at work.

I’ve cried tears of sorrow and loss with a few friends/family who have lost parents recently.

I’ve cried tears of joy as friends celebrated homecomings and moves.

I’ve cried tears of frustration at myself for making stupid mistakes.

I’ve smiled so hard I thought my cheeks would break seeing first time “school” pictures of my sweet grandie girls.

I’ve celebrated and toasted new beginnings and successes with my adult kiddos.

I’ve laughed so hard with friends, it made all the frustrations of the day disappear.

In other words, I’ve been living every day to the fullest and cherishing the moments.

And this weekend, I found time to play in my art room, and I created this Vintage Santa Face Watercolor Painting that I have to say I am sooooo pleased with it makes me smile!

My DIL, Colleen, and I are ramping up and getting ready for our biggest sale of the year at the Mars Fall Craft Show being held Saturday, November 23rd at the Mars High School and Christmas Open House at Berry Vine Gifts November 15-17.  If you are near, we hope you will come see us.  If not, feel free to check out our McKinneyX2Designs Etsy shop!

We’re also getting ready to celebrate a special birthday for a 3-year old girl and her 61-year old Pap!  (Both who I love more than life itself! <3)

Hope you are all doing well!

Sending Cheers & Hugs,

PS  I’ve been posting more on Instagram if you hang out there and would like to follow.



28 thoughts on “Vintage Santa Face Watercolor

  1. What a sweet vintage Santa! I love to hear that you’ve been feeling all the “feels” of life because that’s what it is all about. Good luck to you and your dear DIL at the upcoming shows, Jodi!


  2. Wonderful Jolly St Nick Jodi! So glad to hear your life is full, I can’t imagine how you balance your time with work and grandies, your art and shops, how you ever have time for blogging is a miracle! I wish I was close enough to go to your shows, happy sales, I know they will be brisk!


  3. Your Santa looks so happy and jolly that I can’t help but smile when I look at him! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying your blogging break, Jodi, and are managing to live your life to the fullest, embracing both the good times and the bad times. That is what we’re all supposed to do, I believe! And enjoy those upcoming birthday celebrations!!!!


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