Spring Ahead


Yesterday was Spring Ahead day for the annual Daylight Savings Time (DST) change ritual.  For those clocks that don’t adjust automatically, we advanced them ahead one hour when we went to bed Saturday night (or Sunday morning for those we forgot).

So now for days, people will be saying, “It’s 5:00, but it really feels like 4:00.”  People (including me) will have a harder time getting out of bed for work in the morning all week.  Some (including me) will stay up later, because our bodies don’t feel like it is 11:00 pm like is was last week.  Babies will be all off schedule.  People will be late for work, sleepy during early meetings, and maybe a little grumpy…   But the same ones will be delighted to drive home in daylight and have what feels like a longer day.

Basically, we will all be screwed up for a while.

But we will eventually adjust.

The BEST part about yesterday’s Spring Ahead day (at least here in Mars) was it really felt like Spring!  On my morning walk with Mikey, the birds were chirping, the air had a fresh smell to it, joggers were out, everyone had a new “spring” in their step, and the day reached near 50 degrees F!  That’s about 50 degrees higher than it has been in the past few weeks!

I put all my snowie winter decorations away, and brought out some Springy decor.

And after dinner, in my BARE feet on the sun-warmed deck, I found a little bit of snow in the corner and made an itty bitty snowman and placed it on the railing.  He had black jelly bean eyes and a mini carrot nose.  He didn’t last long…

I think this may be the end of the snow for this season.  It is melting fast!  You can hear the water rushing through the downspouts and the driveway that was a sheet of ice when I headed out on my walk, had muddy puddles on my way back an hour later.

Spring is on it’s way!

Do you have a hard time adjusting to Daylight Savings Time?  Do we even need to be changing the clocks ahead and back any more?

Whatever the case, I hope you are enjoying whatever season you are in right now – of weather – and of life.

Reporting in from lifeinbetween…

Cheers & Hugs,

Butterfly Birthday Wishes

butterfly birthday 2

I have several birthday girls on my list this upcoming week.  Marty (hubby)’s Aunt turns 92 young years young, and I have a wonderful cousin and a sweet niece all celebrating their special days.

I love, Love, LOVE this Stampinup Butterfly Basics stamp set!  It is appropriate for young, old, and everything in between.  It has so many complimentary pieces to create fun collages.  And it works so nicely with the Butterfly Thinlits to add an extra pop of WOW.

Hopefully it will be a bit more Spring-like next week when these are received by the birthday girls. After all – in our part of the world we Spring Ahead into Daylight Savings Time this weekend – Woohoo!

butterfly birthday 1

I saw a card done by Heather @ HandcraftingwithHeather and thought I would use it as inspiration, but I just so loved how she did it that I practically CASE’d (copied) it completely.  I changed it up a bit, but be sure to check out her beautiful creation here. (CASEing is a huge compliment in the stamping world!  And such a great way to get your creative mojo flowing when it is waning) 🙂

I did try it two different ways, one with a purple (Blackberry Bliss) border and one without.  Which way do you prefer?  Clean and Simple (CAS) or with the border?  I should have tried one more version without sponging the edges with the Blackberry Bliss ink and keeping it all white (Very Vanilla) for even more simplicity.

butterfly birthday inside

What I love about this stamp set is it gives you everything in the one set to create a million different versions, colors, and distinctly different (or similar) cards.  Many times I use a number of sets together, but for this it was just this set and the thinlit to cut out the butterfly.  I only used three colors on the front of the card, carried to the inside, and even on the envelope:  Blackberry Bliss, Mossy Meadow, and Hello Honey.

butterflly basics envelope

So Happy Friday!  Happy Spring Coming Soon (fingers crossed), and Happy Birthday Aunt Francie, Sarah, and Dawn!

Cheers & Hugs,

What to do with an EXTRA Hour?

I don’t know about you?  But I’m all screwed up….

In our part of the world, we switched time.


Yep – just like that, we are supposed to change the clocks – Fall Back, Spring Ahead – Daylight Savings Time – on – off – and just adjust….

But the challenging part is – the older I get – the harder it is to adjust to the time change.

For days weeks, I will say, but it is really XX time, even thought it is XX time.  SERIOUSLY!  Can an hour really do this to a brain?


But I digress…

The topic of this blog was supposed to be what can we do with that extra hour….

and…. it was supposed to be posted on Sunday – the day we got that extra hour.

But – hey – whatever – I had other stories to tell and recipes to share, and I’m just getting to this….

(I have a card I am DYING to share, but holding off until tomorrow because I am worried you will grow weary of my silly cards – even though I am super-excited to share this one (for the Paper Players Vintage challenge 🙂  )

Sunday gave us an extra hour.


What did you do with it?


I stacked firewood.  And I’m proud to tell it.

Very exciting -right??!!

Well – it was a beautiful day – and who knows what I was doing?…  Oh I remember – cleaning off the porches/deck for the upcoming winter season 😦 …

Marty and Nick were cutting and chopping and stacking firewood so that we can keep warm, wonderful fires burning all winter long in the fireplace to keep us toasty.  (As I wear t-shirts through this lovely menopausal period of life!)


I decided to help.  I heaved and hoed and bent and snapped —  anybody get the reference here??!! 🙂  — and tossed and stacked like the best of them.

And it felt good!    Then….

Legs are a bit sore two days later.   WIMP!

But I helped (for a change) my guys with the “physical” work that gets done around here; and it felt good, and it was nice to be a part of it.

What did you do with your extra hour?  What would you do if you had one?

I spent it with a couple guys I so greatly appreciate and love even more!

Thanks for all the hard work you do to keep our home warm and comfortable and cozy, my dear Merv and my sweet Nick!


Cheers & Warm, Toasty Hugs,
(while I turn up the ceiling fan!)
