Puppy-Sitting Trevor: A Charlie Guest Post

Puppy-Sitting Trevor:  A Charlie Guest Post.

Last weekend, we had a guest stay over.
He is my younger nephew, Trevor.

Though he is taller…..
and heavier….
and stronger than me…
He is DEFINITELY still

Mom and Dad think it is so much fun
to have him over.

And I like him…. don’t get me wrong.
I get along with all dogs and cats and deer and turkey
and people, and well – you know – everybody!

But when we puppy-sit,
it is also a lot of work for me!

Trevor wants to play play play…

I like to play, but this kid!!!!!
Gee Whiz!

He is constantly antagonizing me
with barks and jumps and little nips at the neck
to go go go!

He strews my bones and toys out all over the house…  and outside!
(but he does bring some of his own to share with me too, so that is really nice!)

If I have one of my bones out of my special bucket, that’s the one that he wants.
So I have to take turns and share.  I have to teach him you know.

Then there is the doggie door.
He loves to run in and outside like I do,
but he doesn’t know the boundaries of our yard.

when he is here, Mom puts a gate up on the porch so he doesn’t wander off.
And guess what that means??
I’m trapped in too!
NO FAIR – right??!!

But I’m a good boy and put up with it
since I know it is all part of being a good Uncle Charlie when we puppy-sit.

When we go for walks, it is pretty fun to show him my “stomping grounds”
and show him where all the juiciest grasses are to snack on and sample along the way.

At night, though, he does get a little jealous.
You see – I get to jump into bed between Mom and Dad when I’m ready to snuggle.

But this is where I draw the line (and so does Dad – PHEW!).
Trevor sleeps on the floor next to the bed… in his bed.
(na-na na-na boo-boo!)

It’s all part of being an Uncle and good boy,
so I do it.

After all,
we were both rescued and saved to a better life…

A dog’s life!
And it’s a great one!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Charlie’s Irish Blessing

Charlie’s Irish Blessing:  A St. Patrick’s Day Special.

May the road be cleared of snow and ice
so we can go for walks.
May the wind be full 
of wonderful scents to savor and sniff and smell.
May the sun shine warm
upon my fur for taking afternoon naps.
May the rain fall softly everywhere else,
except in my yard when I need to go potty.
And, until we meet again,
may you hold lots of tasty treats
in the palm of your hand to share.

Woofs & Wags,

PS  A very happy birthday to my brother, Nick.  May you feel 29 forever (and always remember to bring me treats and scratch my belly)!

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

PAWsitive Points to Ponder: A Charlie Guest Post

PAWsitive Points to Ponder:  A Charlie Guest Post.

Greet those you love with great enthusiasm – Every… Single… Time… you see them.
Wag your tail.
Jump up on them.
Smother them in kisses.

Stop and smell the roses.
Sniff out the interesting things.
Notice the things that pique your curiosity.
Never stop being inquisitive.

Mess up the bed.
Mom thinks the bed needs straightened up every day…
pressed and tidied and pillows fluffed and in place….
but I love to scrunch it all up into a cozy, wonderful, comfortable mess.  Yes!

Roll in the grass.
It’s a massage.
It’s a back scratcher.
It will make you feel like a kid again.

And never forget –
If all else fails,
curl up in a ball, lay in the sunshine,
and take a nap.

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.


You Can Trust Me – A Charlie Guest Post

You Can Trust Me – A Charlie Guest Post.

Dear Mom –

You can trust me to be so happy to see you every time you come through the door
that it will be like you were gone for a whole year, even if it was only a half hour.

You can trust me to make all guests that come to our home feel very welcome
by sitting on their laps on the couch and smothering them with kisses.

You can trust me to allow my baby niece to take a bone out of my mouth,
twist my ear, poke my nose and pull my tail, and I will just lay there.

You can trust me to always go outside to go potty,
though I might not go very far if it is raining.

But please don’t trust me to watch your sandwich when you walk away…

Woofs & Wags,

P.S.  I did leave you the bottom slice of bread from the fish sandwich you left for me recently.  You’re welcome!

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

The New Neighbors – A Charlie Guest Post

The New Neighbors – A Charlie Guest Post.

Some new neighbors moved in a few doors down.
So Mom and I decided to visit on one of our recent walks.

I tried to introduce myself,
but this guy was just a bit “cold.”

His eyes kinda said,
“Leaf” me alone.

I really tried
to make him smile.

I just couldn’t help but sense
a nose as cool as a cucumber.

But his arm was outstretched
displaying a sign of peace.

So I bid him a welcome,
and thanked him for the Christmas cookies.

I sure hope
he will warm up a bit!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Un…. A Charlie Guest Post

Un….  A Charlie Guest Post.

Un – decorated from the holidays.
Un – happy that parties are over.
Un – thinkable that there will be no snack spreads to snitch from.

Un – realistic that Mom thinks we need to go on diets.
Un – thinkable that there are still hours until dinner time.
Un – imaginably cold outside – so no walks again today.

Un – believable that mom has to go back to work already.
Un – able to stay awake.
Un – der the covers I go.

Un – derstand….   It’s a dog’s life.

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Charlie’s Night Before Christmas

This week leading up to Christmas, I am sharing a few of my favorite posts from the past.  Charlie wanted in on the action too, so here is his Night Before Christmas post from last year:

Charlie’s Night Before Christmas


‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, except a brown dog.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
and Charlie couldn’t reach them – he didn’t even dare.

Mom and Dad were nestled all snug in their bed,
while visions of head cold relief danced in their heads.
But Charlie was anxious, he just couldn’t sleep.
He wondered if Santa would bring him a treat.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Charlie ran to his door to see what was the matter.
He flew out onto the porch and skidded across
Woofing and sniffing even every piece of  moss.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
made it a bit easier for Charlie to see all below.
When what to his wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

“It was SANTA – Oh Santa!  You’re coming to my house.
I knew you would remember – I’ve been a good boy!”
Charlie ran back inside and jumped into bed,
he climbed under the blankets to cover his head.

He quietly waited and listened intently,
but he waited so long, he fell back asleep.
The next thing he knew, Dad was getting out of bed.
Mom gave him a pat, and said “Okay – Go Ahead!”

His stocking was full!  Santa really was here!
A new donut, a new donkey, and a tasty new bone.
Another Christmas miracle
for an adopted brown dog.

Merry Christmas Eve!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Sticks and Stones: A Charlie Guest Post

Sticks and Stones:  A Charlie Guest Post.

I know you humans have a rhyme that says:
Sticks and Stones may break my bones….”

And I get it….
It’s a good lesson about name calling…

But I LOVE sticks and stones!
They are nature’s toothbrush and toy all in one!

Even ask my baby niece!
She knows who to watch and learn from.

When Mom brings her outside,
she brings a blanket and toys for her to sit on and play with.

But she watches how her Uncle Charlie has fun!
I romp through the leaves and play with the sticks and stones.

And then she does the same.

I’m such a good uncle!
Don’t you think?

Woofs and Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, Jaeger the neighbor dog, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.


Tip Toe through the… Fallen Leaves – A Charlie Guest Post

Tip Toe through the… Fallen Leaves:  A Charlie Guest Post.

I’m trying to tip toe,
taking it nice and slow..

but these crispy, crunchy leaves
which are supposed to be up in the trees

are warning my prey
and giving me away!

Good thing I’m only sneakin’
up on Mom who is peekin’

through that silly camera lens
that causes her to spend

way too much time
thinking of silly rhymes.

(Good thing I come along every once in a while and give her a break!)

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, Jaeger the neighbor dog, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.



On Being an Uncle: A Charlie Guest Post

On Being an Uncle:  A Charlie Guest Post.

As many of you may recall, I became an uncle about nine months ago.

I gotta tell you, this job just gets better and better every week.

“We” are now eating some “solid” foods by “our self” sitting in the “high” chair.

It is very important for me to stay close by during mealtime to catch anything that hits the floor…  or happens to be shared by a swinging hand.  (And I must say, blueberry puffs with purple sweet potato are quite scrumptious.)

“We” are also now getting much more mobile, and “somebody” likes my squeaky toys, my ears, my tongue, my paws, and my nose.  “She” even takes my bones right out of my mouth.

But that’s okay.  It’s all in a day’s work of being an uncle.  And as long as she tosses me a blueberry puff or two, I’m totally fine with the rest of the havoc!

Mom says I am a really good uncle.  I like when she tells me that.  It is usually accompanied by a chin scratch or an ear rub or possibly a treat!  She really, really likes being a grandma, so I guess its a good thing I like being an uncle…

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, Jaeger the neighbor dog, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: thecreativelifeinbetween.com.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.