Stop and Smell: A Charlie Guest Post

Oliver and Charlie

Stop and Smell:  A Charlie Guest Post.

When we go on our daily walk, Mom talks about and enjoys a lot of the smells this time of year.  She oogles and googles and swoons about the lilacs and the wild honeysuckle and even freshly mowed grass.

Sometimes Mom breathes in deeply and says, “Oh Charlie, do you smell that…. ‘yadayada’?”

I say, “Whatever…”

I would rather smell my friends.

Yep – I like to stop and smell my friends.

This is my friend, Oliver.  He is one of my buddies, and this is how we greet each other.

Mom groans, “Oh Charlie!”

But Oliver doesn’t seem to mind.

And besides… he does it too.

“Oh Mom!”

I know they say a dog is a (wo)man’s best friend, but sometimes we just don’t see eye to eye!

Or should I say we don’t smell nose to nose?

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, Jager the neighbor dog, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Tug – A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie & Jager Playing Tug – April 2017


There is nothing better really…
than a good game of tug in the Spring sunshine.

Especially after a long walk with my best buddy, Jager,
smelling and snacking along the way on all the goodies nature leaves for us.

We allow Mom and Tracy to come along too…
They think we need them so we let them follow behind us with leashes so we don’t lose them or they don’t go running off.

Sometimes we have to tug them along.
They don’t seem to enjoy tug as much as we do….

What’s up with that??!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, Jager the neighbor dog, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Paws and Cherish the Moments: A Charlie Guest Post


Paws and Cherish the Moments:  A Charlie Guest Post.

Hi Friends –

As you may know, I have recently become an uncle – Uncle Charlie.

And I must tell you – I have fallen in love with my new little niece.

At first, I wasn’t sure about her.  It wasn’t that I didn’t like her… I just didn’t know what she was….  I looked at her, I sniffed her, I licked her……  but not much happened.   Mainly my mom just held her (and sort of ignored me…).

But a few months have passed, and now she is getting to be a bit more fun.  She plays with squeaky and squishy toys on the floor.  She rolls around and makes funny noises.  She allows me to give her kisses.  And she loves to watch me, so I try to show her how to play by demonstrating with my toys.

And sometimes, I just like to lay down with her and relax.  It is good to “paws” and cherish these sweet moments.

When you aren’t sure what to make of something – a new person – a new situation – a new smell or sound – just paws…..

You might just find there are moments to cherish in that paws.

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, Jaeger the neighbor dog, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

PS:  If you would like to read a really sweet book written by a man AND his adopted dog, please check out “Who Said I Was Up for Adoption?  A story about one calculating dog and one unsuspecting human,” by Colin Chappell.  When Colin contemplated the idea of adopting a dog, he did so warily, for he had seldom spent time with dogs and one of his primary canine experiences came when he was bitten by a German Shepherd at age fourteen. He certainly was unprepared for the complexities of caring for the seventy-five pounds of rescued, furry attitude he encountered in Ray. But perhaps what he was even more unprepared for were the emotions he would feel once Ray invited him to be his friend. Who Said I Was Up For Adoption? tells the evolving story of this adoption (though it remains unclear just who did the adopting). Funny, heartwarming, and emotional, Colin and Ray’s story is really two stories, for part of learning to let an adopted dog into one’s life is learning to see from a perspective other than your own. True to that knowledge the book is narrated from parallel, alternating viewpoints-Colin’s and … Ray’s! All net profits from sales of Who Said I Was Up For Adoption? will be donated to the Oakville and Milton Humane Society, a remarkable organization that rescues and rehabilitates dogs (and many other creatures) and matches them with suitable, loving humans.

Colin also blogs about his life with Ray at A Dog’s Life:  Stories of Me and Him.

Charlie’s Dog Lessons for People


Charlie’s Dog Lessons for People

  • Love unconditionally
  • Take a walk outside every day (even if it is raining and your Mom keeps singing “It’s a Rainy Day… It’s raining outside, and we can’t go out and play.”  It’s only water, and it shakes right off!)
  • Forgive quickly and easily
  • Play every day (and make your family play with you!)
  • Be loyal and faithful
  • Keep digging until you find what you are looking for
  • Accept treats with gratitude
  • Greet guests and strangers lovingly
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat all of your dinner
  • Trust and follow your instincts
  • Take naps
  • Bark only when necessary
  • Appreciate a simple life
  • Be a best friend

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Charlie’s Night Before Christmas


‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, except a brown dog.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
and Charlie couldn’t reach them – he didn’t even dare.

Mom and Dad were nestled all snug in their bed,
while visions of head cold relief danced in their heads.
But Charlie was anxious, he just couldn’t sleep.
He wondered if Santa would bring him a treat.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Charlie ran to his door to see what was the matter.
He flew out onto the porch and skidded across
Woofing and sniffing even every piece of  moss.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
made it a bit easier for Charlie to see all below.
When what to his wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

“It was SANTA – Oh Santa!  You’re coming to my house.
I knew you would remember – I’ve been a good boy!”
Charlie ran back inside and jumped into bed,
he climbed under the blankets to cover his head.

He quietly waited and listened intently,
but he waited so long, he fell back asleep.
The next thing he knew, Dad was getting out of bed.
Mom gave him a pat, and said “Okay – Go Ahead!”

His stocking was full!  Santa really was here!
A new donut, a new donkey, and a tasty new bone.
Another Christmas miracle
for an adopted brown dog.

Merry Christmas Eve!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.





Charlie’s Walkabout: A Charlie Guestpost

charlies walkabout

We have the most amazing wilderness behind our home.

It is an area I am not allowed to go to by myself.

You may recall those horrifying orange flags my Mom and Dad put up about a year ago when I moved in….  Well… I DO NOT go past that area where they used to be on my own – EVER!  The flags are gone, but I have not forgotten where they were, and I remember they represent “Charlie’s Yard!”

The only way I go outside of “Charlie’s Yard” is when Mom puts a leash on me, and we go for a walk.

Now, I am getting better and better at coming when Mom calls – even when I am outside “Charlie’s Yard” and not on the leash, so sometimes I am allowed to walk on my own outside “Charlie’s Yard” – but ONLY after we go through the “boundary line” with the leash on.  That is the only way it is safe.

So yesterday, being that it was a holiday and all, I got to go on TWO wonderful walks outside “Charlie’s Yard.”  After our long walk with my buddy, Jager and his Mom Tracy in the morning, Mom took me on a hike in the wild and wonderful woods behind our home.

And guess what?  She let me loose to run and sniff and explore at my own pace.  Oh was it F U N!  We were having so much fun that when Mom was ready to go back to “Charlie’s Yard,” I decided I wasn’t ready.

Mom, trusting “sucker” that she is, walked ahead believing I wouldn’t be far behind.  But guess what?  When she wasn’t looking, I decided to turn around and explore some more.  Mom went back in “Charlie’s Yard” (remember I told you she is a bit of a “sucker”) believing I wouldn’t be far behind.  She kept saying, “CHARLIE!”  “Come On!”

Then she would throw this guilt trip in:  “Good Boys Come!”


I am loose.

I am free.

I am in the wild and wonderful wilderness where the deer and the squirrels and the turkey play.  And oh they smell so good!

So I decided it was time to go on a little “walkabout.”




Mom waited a bit, called everyone once in a while, and then headed back into the wilderness, where I believe I heard her grumbling under her breath something about somebody being in trouble if she had to come after them or something like that.

I continued to explore.

After all, it was a holiday.

And she and my Dad were gone away for almost a week in which she did NOT take me for walks…

After a while, she couldn’t find me, so she gave up.  I was there all along, but I just wasn’t ready yet so I kinda hid from her.

Mom gave up and headed back home.

She looked a little bit sad,

and I have to admit I felt a bit bad.

So when she was almost back in “Charlie’s Yard,” I decided to come back.

“Here I am Mom!”

She turned around, and – voila! – there I was!

She looked so glad to see me.  I think she wanted to be a little mad, but she was just glad.

We walked into the house, and I flopped down on the floor and took a rest right there in the hallway.  It was so cool and peaceful.

Walkabouts are great, but there’s no place like home.

Don’t you agree?

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike theUPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Dog Days of Summer: A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie dog days of summer august 2016

Mom told me the other day we are in the “Dog Days of Summer” here in Mars.

It’s pretty darn hot around here, but what does that have to do with dogs?  (I mean…. I know I’m pretty “hot,” sexy, handsome, charming, and all that… but not ALL dogs are are quite as lucky as me – eh?)

So I asked Mom to “google” what the heck dogs have to do with hot summer days, and guess what?!  We discovered a story of astronomical proportions!

Contrary to common conjecture, the “dog days of summer” does NOT get its name because the heat is so extreme it drives dogs mad or because dogs lie around panting in the heat (Sheesh!  Really people?!  How dare you think such disdainful thoughts!)

The actual background of the phrase refers to the one-to-two month period when a particularly bright, shiny, snazzy, jazzy, super-amazing, georgeous, “hot” star named Sirius, the Dog Star, or Alpha Canis Majoris (Latin for “Greater Dog!”), rises and sets with the sun, shining during the daylight hours and staying hidden at night.

So you see, it’s really about us dogs being the STARS in your life.  (Right Mom?)

That’s why I’m smiling in my photo here.
(or……. it might have been because my Mom was holding a treat while asking me to “stay.”)

Either way…….
I like to be thought of as a Star.  So you can call feel free to call me “Great” for short.
Or Char…
Or Chuck…
Or Buddy…

but pleaaaassseee don’t call me late for dinner!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike theUPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.



Abstract Paw Print: A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie Dog Paw Print Watercolor Cobalt Teal Blue Prussian Blue and Quinacridone Gold

Charlie Dog Paw Print Watercolor Cobalt Teal Blue Prussian Blue and Quinacridone Gold

Hi Friends!
Remember me?  Your best buddy and pal, Charlie?

It’s been a while, but Mom finally gave in to let me get a word (and a paw print) in edge wise!

Since July is #WorldWatercolorMonth, Mom said I had to contribute a watercolor painting if I was going to do a guest blog post.

I thought about painting a juicy, mouth-watering rack of ribs, but hey… I’d rather EAT those!

I also thought about painting a kitty, like my friend Sebastian, but that is a little challenging without opposable thumbs.

I considered painting one of my favorite sticks to chew on or my blue ball or a fun, squeaky donut….

But after all this thinking, I was starting to get awfully sleepy

What could I paint?

I must say I’m getting a little tired of all the “pink stuff” going on around here by the way…..

Don’t get me wrong – I get it that Mom is super excited about becoming a Grandma soon, and since it’s a girl, she’s really kinda being googly ga ga because she’s the only girl around our house…. but seriously…..  enough with the pink, the coral, the pastel….  GAG!

So I finally decided to do a little abstract piece in Cobalt Teal Blue, Prussian Blue, and one of Mom’s and my favorites, Quinacridone Gold.

For my piece, I simply dipped my paw in water to achieve a wet-on-wet watercolor technique.  I then spit dropped the paint in to let it flow and drip and create its own watercolor magic.

Painting is really fun!

As you may already know, I am adopted.  I was lost until Mom and Dad and my new family found me.  I am so fortunate they helped me.

And I want to help KIDS!  Kids who want to create art, but aren’t able because they don’t have paint or paper or the resources they need.  That’s really what #WorldWatercolorMonth is all about you know…  It’s about raising awareness for underprivileged kids who really want to create art or learn about art or have the opportunity to choose art.

Mom and I hope you will consider donating to the Zebra Foundation in any small or large way.  The wonderful people at The Zebra Foundation understand the importance of art and creativity in the world.

Join us in celebrating by donating watercolor supplies to support underprivileged young artists worldwide! With your help, we can provide much needed support for kids in need.    Just like I was 9 months ago – a dog in need – given a new life!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

A Charlie Guest Post: Malaphors

charlie daisies

Charlie Stopping to Smell the Daisies

On a little walk the other day,
Mom made me pose for a
Stop and Smell the Daisies” photo.

Now, I know I am only a dog,
but isn’t the saying supposed to be
Stop and Smell the Roses?”

Daisies don’t even really smell that good.
I guess they are kinda pretty if you’re into flowers
and that kind of stuff….

But when on walks,
I’m a sniffin’ for rabbits and chipmunks
and squirrels and deer.

I’d rather smell what another dog
left behind for me to find.
Now THAT is a smell worth stopping for!

Daisies are for “pushing up,”
and that is NOT
a place I want to go.

I think Mom better
Wake up and smell the Bacon!”
(which I think smells much better than COFFEE!)

Hey – Did you ever imagine a handsome dog like me
was smart enough to understand malaphors too – eh?!
Heck – Mom just learned that word herself!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

Waiting and Watching – A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie Waiting and Watching

Waiting and Watching…

for Dad to come home,
or Cliff the mailman,
or Mike the UPS man,
or Jake or Colleen or Liz to come visit.

Waiting and Watching…

for Pippa and Twiggy (the doggie girls next door) to come out,
or a deer or a turkey or a squirrel or a chipmunk to scamper by,
or a bird or bee or butterfly to flutter by,
or maybe the Easter Bunny!!

Waiting and Watching…

for Mom to say it is time for a walk,
or for dinner,
or a treat,
or an ear scratch or belly rub.

Waiting and Watching…
until my eyes grow weary
and close for “just a blink,”
which is rarely more than two minutes.

It’s a dog’s life.
It’s a good life.
It’s my life.

Woofs and Wags,