Happy First Day of Autumn


Autumn Tree Watercolor 5 x 7 140lb Fabriano Artistico

For the past few days,
I’ve so wanted to create an Autumn landscape scene…

The colors… the leaves… the trees… the beauty.

each time I “TRIED” too hard,
I ended up scrapping what I created.

Then, the other night,
I just decided to do a single tree,
and I kinda like how it turned out.

10 minutes…
of relaxation
and joy
and contentment.

Sometime I have to step back and quit trying so hard to create the next “masterpiece” and simply enjoy the process.
It seems that is when the magic happens.

It’s similar to how I used to hate Fall –
mainly because it meant kids were going back to school…. summer was over… winter was coming..
and I completely missed the real beauty and pleasure Fall itself has to offer.

Enjoy the “present!”
Cherish the moments.
All the little moments…
of life

Happy Autumn…
Happy Fall
Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Cheers & Hugs,


Tiny Glow Watercolor

tiny glow yellow lily original watercolor

Tiny Glow yellow lily original watercolor – 6″ x 8″ matted to 8×10

My sweet artist blogging friend, Sharon Mann gave me a friendly challenge to paint my recent Tiny Glow Yellow Lily I got for Mother’s Day from my son, Jake.

I’ve been experimenting with some abstract techniques that I used for this painting which I’m showing here in it’s original format above, printed on cards below, and the scanned print lastly.

tiny glow yellow lily photo of cards

Tiny Glow yellow lily watercolor print greeting cards

I painted a random background wash first using Naples Yellow and a bit of New Gamboge.  After it dried, I lightly and loosely drew the lily on top.  I then negatively painted around the lily with Winsor Violet and splashed some more in the background.  Lastly I used some Green Gold to add a bit of shadowing to the flower and for the stems and a touch of Burnt Umber for the little pods.

tiny glow yellow lily print 2

Tiny Glow yellow lily watercolor print

Check out Sharon’s MASTERPIECES here!  She is a REAL artist and her lily truly glows!  I love it!

And the best part is, we’ve agreed to exchange, so she is sending me one of hers, and I am sending her one of mine.

We all have our own styles and levels of ability and experience, but what a joy it is to share here through WordPress with so many wonderful artistic blogger friends.  They have encouraged me and taught me so much in my journey into watercolor this past year.  I am so grateful for them!

Wishing you all moments to cherish and the opportunity to glow today.

Cheers & Hugs,

Tiny Glow

Yellow Asiatic Lily Tiny Glow Mothers Day 2016

Yellow Asiatic Lily “Tiny Glow” – Mothers Day 2016

Tiny Glow

Your yellow is
bright and glowing
like sunshine and moonbeams.

Yet also
soft and buttery
like feathers and thick, creamy Chardonnay.

Your “Tiny Glow” is like the love
felt and expressed
in this beautiful gift
from a son to a mother.

Bright and glowing,
soft and buttery.
All in one,
and one to another.


Cheers & Hugs,



A Little Birdie Told Me


Male Goldfinch, Mars, PA

A Little Birdie told me….

Stop waiting

for tomorrow,
or the weekend
or a rainy day,
or a sunny day.

Joy is found

when you stop waiting,
and start realizing
the joy in the moments
of every day life.

Cherish the moments

of a gentle breeze,
a warm smile,
a soft embrace,
a kind word.

A little birdie told me

life is short,
grief and hatred and sorrow exist,
but love conquers all,
joy exists,
happy moments must be grasped.

Cherish the moments.

A little birdie told me.

Cheers & Hugs,

Mellow Yellow & Puppy Love

yellow flower watercolor card

Here’s a little yellow flower watercolor I recently did with no particular flower in mind – just goofing around really.  Feeling kind of “mellow” when I did it (which I’ve come to think is a good way to feel when water color painting). I think I like how it turned out.

I am using it as a thank you card for a very sweet lady (Hubby’s boss’s wife), who sent home the loveliest gift basket yesterday to welcome our new little guy, Charlie, who you may recall briefly “meeting” in yesterday’s post.

As those of you that know me or have been following for a while know, we lost our dear sweet Mikey almost three months ago…  Not a day has gone by that I haven’t missed him or thought about him.  Mikey was such a special little guy, and our hearts and our house has had a big empty hole in it since he left us.

Hubby has been following posts from petfinder, and animal friends, and all the local shelters for the past month or so in pursuit of a new furry friend to rescue and fill the void in our home.

This past weekend, he showed me a picture of a little guy, who we have come to name Charlie (or Chuck for short), who we drove close to two hours to meet, and who we feel in love with almost instantly.

Charlie got his name from the fact that his nervous tummy had him “up-chucking” three times on the ride home from the animal shelter to Mars.   He is a bit of a nervous Norman – quite likely he was not treated well by his previous owner.

Word is he was dropped off at the shelter with his buddy – another dog – about three weeks ago.  His best bud was adopted a couple days before him, and Charlie (Kota as he was named by the shelter) was deeply depressed.   When we signed the papers and got ready to head home, one of the volunteers told us we rescued him just in time as he was getting so sad.

We have no idea what his history is or what “breed” he is.  The best guess from the “experts” at the shelter is that he is approximately a year old (they determine this by looking at his teeth), and that he is part beagle and part Australian Sheep Dog…  We are guessing he has some retriever or lab in him – probably that and about 52 other varieties!

Charlie is growing more and more content and settled, and he is stealing our hearts quickly.

His first night, he slept in between hubby and me in bed.  Second night, he found his place on the couch in our room and slept peacefully all night.

He loves to chew on some old bones we had in a bucket from Mikey and is an avid fetch and retriever of a knotted rope Mikey didn’t want anything to do with.

I have been spending my hours scratching ears, rubbing tummy, walking the perimeter of our yard (and quickly accumulating steps on my FitBit!), and enjoying lots of doggie kisses in between everything else.

Our first BIG success came when Charlie “rang the bell” that we have hanging on the front door to let us know he “needed” to go outside on his third day at home.  What a fast learner!  I’m such a proud Momma!  🙂

How fortunate I am to be able to work from home and allow our little guy to acclimate to his new surroundings with the comfort of knowing I am here for him and he is safe and at home.

Here is Charlie “posing” in his Camo Bandana that came in his awesome gift basket.  He is 45 pounds of exuberance, nervousness, intelligence, and love.

Charlie in Camo

I guess that’s why they call it “puppy love!”

Cheers & Hugs & Puppy Kisses from Mars,