The Tracks of My Tears

railroad tracks nick

Photo by Nick McKinney

In the car the other day, I asked my son, Nick, if we could stop for a few minutes along the railroad tracks and take a few photos.

I’m always thinking there is a good photo there and have tried a few times, but have never been completely happy with what I’ve taken.

When we stopped and got out of the car, Nick proposed a challenge:  We each take five photos, and then we’ll see who gets the best one.

After literally laying on the road and standing guard for each other to warn of approaching cars, Nick took the prize with this photo I am sharing today.

I love the different perspective he found…  I love that he turned the camera to portrait, which I rarely think to do…. I love the blur in the distance, but also the way the lines draw you to the “dreamy, mysterious” distance….  I love the blur of the smooth track and the detail in the rusty fasteners and am fascinated with how this simple hardware design creates the track that holds a train in line…

And I love that this photo and the memory created in those few short moments brings to mind an oldie but goodie song, The Tracks of My Tears … as I smile… and my eyes tear up with pride.

Cheers & Hugs,


40 thoughts on “The Tracks of My Tears

  1. Beautiful shot! Nick did a fantastic job with this photo! The photo is “mysterious” and seems to call to someone to “wanderlust.” It gives me the image of hobos sitting on the train with their legs dangling and waving at people as the train passes. Nice photo! I enjoyed my little trip with my imagination! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a great image, I see you passed on your gift of photography to your son 🙂 Thanks for sharing it with us! My friend’s daughter got her senior pictures taken on a railroad track, it was very cool!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jodi, an amazing photo. Your write up describes it perfectly. I couldn’t add another word. Great shot, Nick! Jodi, bet you’ve got some outstanding ones too. How about a collage? It’s not often railroad tracks photos are featured. Christine

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve noticed your comments on other blogs and this one caught my eye. Maybe because I have a son Nick and he also loves taking photos. This is brilliant and I love how you can get perspective on such simple things as railway tracks. Reminded me of when I grew up with a track behind the house. Have to admit a train whistle is an eerie sound. You have great posts!


  5. The picture, the moment, the special time with a special loved one forever caught in this special photo. So much more “behind” the scenes that only your story could tell. Priceless!!!😂

    Liked by 1 person

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