Bleeding Heart

bleeding heart 2015

My favorite, dear Bleeding Heart,
are you happy or do you mourn?

Your bright color smiles,
but your tears look so forlorn.

You show us the beauty we oft overlook,
and elicit a pause when our own hearts are shook.

(My bleeding heart plant is my favorite of all in my yard.  It has moved with me a couple times as it was a plant given to me by my Grandma.  It is a symbol to me of her very special heart every year when it blooms.  It reminds me of the joy and the sorrow of love.  It demonstrates the intense and powerful artistry of Mother Nature.  I could never create or imagine anything more beautiful.)

Cheers & Hugs,


PS:  I love the intricacy of this flower, and this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge is Intricate.

38 thoughts on “Bleeding Heart

    • Hey Barbara! So nice to hear from you! I can see you’ve been busy boppin’ around from Instagram, so I wasn’t too worried 🙂 Looking forward to a great blog post I’ll bet – I’ll have to check! We are so behind you in blooming! Yours started a few weeks ago – right?


  1. I don’t have a lot of mushy memories of my step-father who was the only dad I knew as a child. He was a pickle but he provided for my family of which I am grateful. One special thing I remember though that I just mentioned to my husband this week was how my dad LOVED his Bleeding Heart next to their home. TFS, Jodi:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Cindy. You have such a beautiful heart. I’m glad it brought back a nice memory of Mr Pickle 🙂 He sure turned out a good daughter, so for that, many of us, including ME, are grateful! xx


    • Reallyl??!! I have never thought of pulling them apart – but now I must try! They are so beautiful, it would have never occurred to me, but as a child, probably would have! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I adore that you took the plants with you when you moved. I have done that as well; there is nothing as splendid as aging with your flowers. I’ve even appropriated corners of my family and friends yards, written explicit “plant sitting” instructions, for times when I had to live abroad!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know – right – and they bring such joy each spring when they pop up and regrow, bigger and stronger and more beautiful with every passing year! 🙂 Thanks for sharing Meghan Sarah

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jodi, what a beautiful, thoughtful memory in word & flower of your grandma. Mine would be a photo of a special pine tree In Maine though. And never to forget grandma baking brownies! Christine


  4. This is the time for bleeding hearts, Jodi. Do you know that you can eat the flowers? Where I live, we surrounded the property with so much bleeding hearts. They are delightful.

    Liked by 2 people

      • I just did a quick search and found on a couple sites that bleeding hearts are poisonous:

        Some Flowers to Avoid
        While exploring different ways of using edible flowers, be careful. There are a number of poisonous plants containing substances that can cause symptoms such as upset stomachs, rashes, and headaches. And even edible flowers should be eaten in moderation. You can have too much of a good thing.
        Some common landscape and flowering plants that you should avoid eating include: clematis, hydrangeas, sweet peas, azaleas, daffodils, daphne, lily-of-the-valley, foxgloves, bleeding hearts, rhododendrons, wisteria, oleander, lupines, hyacinths, four-o’clocks, calla lilies, and castor beans. This is by no means an exhaustive list of non-edible flowers so you should thoroughly research any flower before munching away.


      • Wow…thank you for going through the extra mile. So far my neighbor is still alive. 🙂
        I will definitely let her know that. As for my plants, I don’t eat them nor pluck the flowers. I let them live their full life.

        Thank you. Perpetua.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I am also fond of bleeding heart plants, never successful in growing one but your sweet poem about your plant is lovely. I can picture sitting gazing at the plant and wondering your wonders about the plant.


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