Rolo Hot Chocolate

rolo hot chocolate 2

Rolo Hot Chocolate

I may have discovered the most amazing, best ever homemade hot chocolate in the entire universe.

And it is EASY!

Rolo hot chocolate

I discovered it on The Country Chic Cottage, but (believe it or not) found I could reduce the sugar content a bit over what Angie recommended in her blog.

This is the perfect warmer-upper comfort drink to enjoy by a crackling fire with your holiday lights on reading a book or watching a holiday movie.

I am sure the little ones that live in or come to your home would love this as a special treat too!

rolo hot chocolate 3

Ready for this cinchy pinchy, two-ingredient, ultra yummy, rich and creamy hot chocolate recipe?  (enough adjectives?)

Here it is!  ENJOY!

Rolo Hot Chocolate

Ingredients:rolo hot chocolate 2

  • 5 Hershey’s Rolo Chocolate Caramel Candies (Angie recommends 7, but I felt 5 was plenty.  Feel free to adjust to your liking.)
  • 1 Cup (or as much as fills your mug) Skim Milk (I used Skim, but you can use 2% or Whole Milk if you want it even richer.  I would rather eat another Rolo and go with the Skim Milk myself!)


  • Unwrap Rolo Candies and put in your mug.
  • Microwave for 20 seconds, then stir.
  • Add Skim Milk and stir.
  • Microwave for an additional 1 1/2 minutes.
  • Stir until completely melted.
  • Garnish with mini marshmallows if desired.

Thanks for the inspiration, Angie!

Cheers & Hugs,

35 thoughts on “Rolo Hot Chocolate

  1. Oh yum! Rollo’s are in my Top 5 favorite candies! I love your Christmas/Winter mugs. I have yet to unpack my Christmas dishes and mugs. This week I’ll have to since I’ve finished decorating now.

    I love Nicole’s thought about making a whole crock-pot full of the cocoa! I’d drink most of it no doubt. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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