Spring Splashing

spring bunny watercolor 5x7

A few days ago, our little corner of the world was covered in snow and ice.  This weekend, however, the temperatures rose to near 60 degrees and the sun shone brightly.

It was a little crazy for mid-February when we typically experience some of our coldest, snowiest weather, but we sure enjoyed it.

On Sunday morning, Charlie and I took a nice four-mile walk with our buddy, Tracy.  We visited Kitty, and we splashed through some puddles of melted snow and ice.

After breakfast and a few chores, I spent a relaxing afternoon splashing paint at the kitchen table with the sun streaming in.

I painted this bunny that reminds me of Spring and Easter and babies and renewal.

spring bunny watercolor matted

I painted another fun little piece that will be a gift for an upcoming baby shower, and a couple other things before packing up the paint and making dinner.

What a great way to spend a day.  Thinking Spring.  Enjoying warmth and sunshine.  Doing the things I love….

at life in between.

Cheers & Hugs,

79 thoughts on “Spring Splashing

    • Awh! Thanks C! I did add him to our ETSY shop if you really, really want him 🙂 Glad to hear you had such a good time in Indiana celebrating grandma’s long life and visiting with family and friends! Hugs!


      • Thanks Laura – it’s funny to think that I 3 different pieces this past Sunday. One totally abstract. One very exact. And this one. It is my fave. Art is so subjective, but that is why there are so many works of arts and so many artists and something to love about so many of them. What a wonderful world art is – and YOU are one of the main reasons I have pursued it. When I started this blog, I don’t think I had even picked up a paintbrush or pencil – did I? I must look back. I stamped and made cards, but original art has evolved. I know sometimes my cards might be “prettier” or “better” than many of my watercolors, but the painting is where I get the true joy these days. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • The joy is what it’s about – it comes through to the viewer! Skills will be polished as we practice! I’m thinking about branching out to acrylics. A whole new world, but I feel I have to try it.

        I just wonder how many people there are out there – I was once (18 months ago, almost to the day) like you were last year. No way did I have any artistic anything. It’s amazing what happens when we question long-held beliefs. (Talking like this makes me miss Jo!)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes – you really had me looking back – as you will see in my post tomorrow.
        🙂 To think neither of us even thought about art a year – year and a half ago…. 🙂

        and Yes – I sure do wonder whatever happened to Jo. I kind wish we could’ve had some kind of closure – like she announced she was quitting. It makes me worry that something happened to her….. 😐

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m glad you had such a wonderful day. Our weather has been that way too! I wonder if Spring is here early! That would be fantastic. I LOVE love love the bunny painting! I am so impressed with your painting skills, Jodi. You are improving by leaps and bounds!

    Liked by 1 person

    • awh! Thanks Sharon – I do love this particular style and want to improve with it. I get such satisfaction in seeing how it turns out. thanks for your ongoing encouragement my true Artist Friend! PS Colleen is blown away by your talent!!


    • Awh! Thanks so much Ann! It was fun to do. And thanks also for your complimentary post on our FB page regarding your order. We sure appreciate your support! Thanks for being such a lovely friend!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jenna – I’m so glad you are happy with them. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in ordering. I hope you will let your friends know about us and help us spread the word. Colleen is doing such beautiful work, and I am so proud of her! We are having so much fun doing this together. Thanks again, Jenna! You are such a lovely friend!


  2. Pingback: Looking back…. looking forward | life in between

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