Reflections from the River

Kiskiminetas River

Kiskiminetas River, Pittsburgh, PA

Reflections from the River

Still water grows stagnant…
keep moving.

Enjoy the journey…
it’s not always about the destination.

A single rock thrown…
can cause a ripple effect far beyond its initial target.

Sometimes what is reflected back from us…
is bigger and better than we are – so shine on.

It is hard work to traverse against the current…
but it is possible, and it is often worth it.

Hubby and I took a little boat ride Friday evening down the Kiskiminetas River – a peaceful little body of water that flows into the Allegheny River near Pittsburgh, PA.   With the sweet scent of honeysuckle still in my nose, I’ve been reflecting on the many lessons we can learn from the river.  Nature has so much to teach us if only we take the time to listen.

Cheers & Hugs,


60 thoughts on “Reflections from the River

  1. another great photo, I so love those darkened up edges right along the sides!!!!!
    and it is SO True, Jodi……. it is the process, the journey – not the product nor the destination !!!!!
    I love to just let go, and relax and allow the River, to take me onto the right path.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love how you put that – allow the river to take you onto the right path!

      I’m sorry I forgot to answer your previous question about the “darkened edges” I simply use a vignette effect 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I love rivers, so this photo just spoke to me 🙂
        Thanks so much Jodi, for the ‘intel’ on your Photoshop filter….. I’ve been admiring how your pics have that effect!!!


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  5. Gorgeous capture, Jodi! What beautiful weather for you both to enjoy a boat ride together. My favorite quote was “enjoy the journey….” of course! Being fortunate enough to live that quote right now is feeling so surreal for us. I’m still pinching myself…..all while trying to remember what day it is! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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